
sabato 20 luglio 2013

Weather Modification Act


Ogni giorno una nuova sorpresa.

The Weather Modification program administers grants to political subdivisions who sponsor rain-enhancement activities.


Currently, cloud-seeding projects are being conducted in some 44 million acres of the state (or nearly 30 percent of the state's land area). The State grants help pay for these seeding operations, reimbursing water-conservation districts, county commissions, and other political subdivisions for up to 50 percent of the costs to conduct them.


In addition, in administering the Texas Weather Modification Act (enacted in 1967), the program issues licenses and permits to organizations and individuals responsible for carrying out both cloud seeding and other weather modification operations. The aim of the regulation of weather modification operations is to ensure that various methods of modifying the weather do not dissipate clouds nor inhibit their ability to produce rainfall to the detriment of people or property in the affected area.

Guarda quante cose interessanti si possono fare avendo voglia, tempo e soldi.

Andiamo a cercare sull'altra pagina:

Weather Modification Frequently Asked Questions

Silver iodide is a favored seeding agent because its crystalline structure is nearly identical to the natural ice crystal. When placed in the upper portion of the growing convective cloud rich with supercooled droplets, the silver iodide crystal can grow rapidly by tapping that vast field of available moisture. Indeed, because the vapor pressure gradient over ice is less than that over water, an ice crystal such as silver iodide will more readily attract the tiny cloud droplets than those droplets will collide with each other. In a matter of moments, the ice crystal is transformed into a large raindrop which is heavy enough to fall through the cloud mass as a rain shaft.

Poco più in basso:

Over 50 years of research and actual cloud seeding in more than 40 countries have demonstrated that properly-designed programs operated by competent persons can increase seasonal rainfall appreciably and beneficially.

Solo "increase seasonal rainfall?"

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have issued policy statements on weather modification that attest to the efficacy of existing technology to enhance precipitation.

E quando c'è un "world" e una "organization" c'è sempre una festa: no world, no party.

Actually, the amounts of silver detected from rainwater samples collected in Texas have been quite small.

Speriamo che sia vero, e che non ci fosse di mezzo l'FDA nei controlli.

No significant environmental impacts have been observed around cloud-seeding operations, including those projects that have been existent for 30-40 years.

A dire il vero qualcuno potrebbe prendersi il disturbo di andare a vedere che cosa è successo tra salute e ambiente negli ultimi 30-40 anni, e fare due conti. Purtroppo adesso non abbiamo tempo per fare ciò. Sempre ammesso che ci sia solo "silver iodide" in circolazione.

Incoraggiati quindi dallo Stato del Texas, sotto l'egida dei Petrolieri Texani e dell'ONU, andiamo subito a cercare nei bookmark del maestro wu:

Chemtrails - The Final Verdict

Further, Minnis stated that “the cloud-forming contrails that conspiracy theorists find so ominous are perfectly natural.”

Cosa di cui chiunque si convincerà immediatamente levando gli occhi al cielo ed osservando con attenzione. Ma lo Stato del Texas ha appena sostenuto che negli ultimi 50 anni 40 nazioni hanno dimostrato la grande efficienza del "cloud seeding". Ci sono anche i moduli in PDF e la piccola mappa. Forse lo Stato del Texas racconta balle, o forse ci avete preso come sempre per imbecilli.

A chemtrail has many similarities with a contrail or condensation trail created by an aircraft under certain atmospheric and meteorological conditions. However, chemical trails or chemtrails appear to last a lot longer, and apparently they seem to accumulate more moisture than contrails. In some cases, chemtrails may actually turn into clouds due to the moisture they absorb.

Che corrisponde esattamente a quanto afferma lo Stato del Texas, con il benestare di una costola dell'ONU.

Additionally, it is said that chemtrails differ in their flight pattern configuration from contrails; they do not appear to show aircraft trajectories from point A to point B, but rather crisscross-like patterns.


Questa mappa è un po' più grande di quella cortesemente offerta dallo stato del Texas. A meno che i piloti degli aerei non siano completamente ubriachi, si suppone che le rotte commerciali debbano seguire una certa logica. La "logica" dovrebbe essere quella di andare dal punto A al punto B, non quella di disegnare una scacchiera per far dispetto alla NASA.

The private sector and government contractors are also heavily involved in aerosol spraying.

Texas docet.

One company, “Weather Modification Inc.” conducts spraying for cloud seeding purposes. Cloud seeding is also called cloud modification, or atmospheric resource management.

Besides the calcium chloride and silver iodide, there have been independent reports about high levels of radioactive barium and a form of aluminum discovered by researchers like Clifford Carnicom. These heavy metals are known to be linked to Alzheimer's disease.

Questo forse allo Stato del Texas era sfuggito.

Other reports have indicated the presence of high levels of metallic particles in rainwater, which eventually end up in our rivers and reservoirs.

In addition to chemicals, there have been reports of biological material found after chemtrail spraying operations. In some instances, there have been samples collected by researchers containing molds –a serious respiratory hazard.



An atmospheric test specific to mold detection has been conducted. The results appear to indicate a sufficient cause for concern, as a large number of colonies of many species of mold have evolved during the incubation period. The test has been conducted in a dry high desert environment during a period of extended low moisture. Exposure time for the petri dish was one hour. The count of individual colonies easily surpasses 100+ and there appear to be at least 6 different species.

Cerchiamo ancora:

Ice Crystal Engineering manufactures weather modification cloud seeding flares for hail suppression, rain enhancement, snow pack enhancement, and fog dispersion.

We are atmospheric research specialists. If you're looking for the premier weather modification cloud seeding flare manufacturer in the world, you've come to the right place.

Accomodiamoci, e facciamo come se fossimo a casa nostra. Anzi, andiamo a frugare tra i brevetti, nella speranza di trovare ispirazione. D'altra parte, se qualcuno si disturba a registrare un brevetto ci sarà pure un motivo? O forse è per fare un dispetto ai curiosi. Comunque vi tocca cercarli a mano perché il blog si mangia i link.

US PATENT 5,003,186

A method is described for reducing atmospheric or global warming resulting from the presence of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, i.e., from the greenhouse effect. Such gases are relatively transparent to sunshine, but absorb strongly the long-wavelength infrared radiation released by the earth. The method incudes the step of seeding the layer of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere with particles of materials characterized by wavelength-dependent emissivity. Such materials include Welsbach materials and the oxides of metals which have high emissivity (and thus low reflectivities) in the visible and 8-12 micron infrared wavelength regions.

US PATENT 6,412,416

Disclosed is an aerosol generating device comprising a cartridge containing a propellant. When ignited, propellant gases expand through a diffuser, then through and into a clearing pad and then through and into a filler area, thereby de-agglomerating and fluidizing the filler and increasing pressure until a frangible end seal on the retainer end of the cartridge ruptures and releases the filler as an aerosol cloud. Methods for disseminating an aerosol and for using the device are also disclosed.

Trovata l'aerosol cloud suggerita dal Texas.

US PATENT 6,315,213

A method for artificially modifying the weather by seeding rain clouds of a storm with suitable cross-linked aqueous polymer. The polymer is dispersed into the cloud and the wind of the storm agitates the mixture causing the polymer to absorb the rain. This reaction forms a gelatinous substance which precipitate to the surface below. Thus, diminishing the clouds ability to rain.

Questo invece serve a fare l'esatto contrario: invece di far piovere, non fa piovere più.

US PATENT 6,056,203

Factors controlling the effect of cloud seeding were critically examined, and a new horizontal penetration seeding method using liquid homogeneous ice nucleants at the lower level of the supercooled portion of clouds was invented to maximize the microphysics-dynamics interaction between the seeded ice crystal thermal and the supercooled cloud through optimal utilization of the phase change energy. Cloud seeding tests showed a remarkable effect. This method allows the development of twin rotating horizontal cylinders of ice crystal thermal, which slowly rise, expand and entrain the supercooled cloud droplets to provide the supersaturated condition and time for the required growth of seeded ice crystals. When the thermal reaches the top of the cloud, it spreads horizontally while lowering the ice crystals of sufficiently large size and fall velocity resulting in an effective treatment of the existing and induced cloud volume for precipitation augmentation and the associated dynamic effect. The seeding method and apparatus for the operation are claimed.

US PATENT 5,984,239

A Satellite Weather Modification System (SWMS) uses earth satellites to harness solar energy to modify the thermodynamics and composition of the earth's atmosphere. SWMS has three subsystems: The first subsystem includes a network of earth satellites called Satellite Engines (SEs) used to reflect solar energy and/or transform solar energy into other forms of energy beams discharged at specified locations. The media at these locations and the media through which the energy beams pass absorb these energies and change them into heat. The second subsystem includes a large network of Remote Sensing Devices (RSDs). These sensors are used to measure local media compositions, dynamic parameters and thermodynamic properties. Sensor measurements are fed back to the third subsystem, which includes a network of Ground Control Stations (GCSs). GCSs provide energy beam guidance by estimating each beam's characteristics and its aim point trajectory as functions of time. Integration of these three subsystems establishes a sensor feedback energy beam guidance and control loop. SWMS's weather modification applications include alteration of precipitation, reclaiming of wasteland, reducing damage by bad weather, and improving environment. Its non-weather related applications include supplying concentrated energy to electricity generating stations (solar, wind and hydro), high latitude greenhouse farms, and solar powered airplanes.

Questo è un po' più complicato, probabilmente costa pure troppo, ma lo hanno brevettato comuqnue (non si sa mai).

US PATENT 5,912,396

The system includes a platform assembly which includes a plurality of helium airships for support of an emitting electrode to produce a large amount of electrical charges, in the form of electrons, into the surrounding atmosphere. The electrons may be generated by various apparati, including field induced emission and ultraviolet induced emission and ionization. Also provided are a large bank of solar cells to produce the necessary power for the assembly and a propulsion system, either a propeller system or an ion engine. A positive electrode may also be included which collects the undesirable atmospheric elements, such as chlorine atoms, to which negative charges have become attached. Alternatively, the platform could be arranged to include a negatively charged surface at which chlorofluorocarbons, for instance, can dissociate after they come in contact with negative charges. Such an ion-propelled platform in the high troposphere or stratosphere could also be used for regional and/or global telecommunications.

Qui hanno cominciato a far volare la fantasia. Tuttavia i brevetti pullulano, nonostante qualcuno vada in giro dicendo che tutta questa roba non esiste. Speditelo in Texas senza un ombrello.

US PATENT 5,360,162

A method for precipitating atmospheric water by means of multicomponent aerosols, including iodide based complex multicomponent aerosol compositions. The compositions comprise a solid mass formed by a compacted mixture of silver iodide and the iodides, iodates, and periodates of alkali metals, lead, copper, barium; ammonia, barium chromate, and selected oxidizers such as ammonium perchlorate, and fuels such as poly-p-phenylene, phenol formaldehyde resin, epoxide resin, and shellac and mixtures thereof. The compositions, upon burning, produce an aerosol effective to promote atmospheric water precipitation.

Trovato il bario. Non era quello dell'Alzheimer?


A series of qualitative chemical tests and deductions now confirm without doubt the presence of significant amounts of barium within atmospheric samples. Citizens may now begin the process of collecting the sample materials for formal submission to public environmental agencies and private labs for identification. The testing process can be done at modest expense and the results from laboratory analysis can now be qualitatively and independently verified without great difficulty.

US PATENT 5,286,979

This invention is a process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation in the atmosphere by dispersing melanin, its analogs, or derivatives into the atmosphere. By appropriate choice of melanin composition, size of melanin dispersoids, and their concentration, the melanin will absorb some quantity of ultraviolet radiation and thereby lessen its overall effect on the critters who would normally absorb such radiation.

Ne inventano una al giorno.

US PATENT 5,174,498

Long-chain aliphatic alcohols are provided that induce nucleation of ice at temperatures within the range from C. to C., from supercooled water present as small drops and/or in the vapor state, and are useful for seeding supercooled clouds in order to augment rainfall.


US PATENT 5,104,069

A fluid ejector for discharging gases and fluids from an aircraft. The fluid ejector is fastened to an exterior surface of the aircraft and includes an air tube which is spaced apart from the exterior surface of the aircraft by a mast. Unwanted fluids and gases are evacuated from the aircraft through a conduit located inside the drain mast and are expelled from an outlet located in the side of the air tube. In this manner, the liquid or gases present at the outlet are discharged in a rearward direction away from the downstream portion of the aircraft by the airstream through the tube.

Non finiscono mai!

US PATENT 3,994,437

A method and apparatus are provided for evenly disseminating by broadcast techniques trace quantities of biologically active chemicals such as nutrients, insecticides, fungicides, growth regulators and the like. The biologically active chemical is encapsulated in a microdispenser such as a filamentary conduit of regulated cross-section and length. The filled microdispensers are then metered into a moving carrier fluid stream, preferably air, and the carrier fluid containing the microdispensers is then evenly dispensed throughout the area. In an alternate preferred embodiment, the microdispensers are coated with a second material which may be either another biologically active material or a sticker for attaching the microdispenser to living organisms such as plants or animals. The method and apparatus is also applicable to biologically active chemicals contained in laminated microdispenser structures for dissemination and release.

Biological active chemicals? Non è che poi viene l'influenza a tutti e dobbiamo correre a prendere il vaccino? Certo che, per essere una cosa che non esiste, di brevetti ne hanno registrati tanti (e non finiscono qui).

Chemtrail crisis: an overview and update

Synthetically manufactured chem-clouds desiccate the air and very effectively block the sun. The principles of this grotesque aerosol project are spelled out in a number of U.S patents.

Prendere nota di "block the sun" e andiamo avanti:

The 1996 Air Force document titled, Weather as a Force Multiplier, declares, "In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy..."

By 1998, this policy became rudely conspicuous. Blue skies have become a rarity. Demoralized citizens have become increasingly ill and angered, not only by the aerosol project itself, but by the arrogance of those who do whatever they please, the consequences be damned.

Qualcuno se n'è accorto, anche perché è sufficiente guardare in alto.

In January CBS News reported on bizarre geo-engineering experiments proposed for global warming reduction. The report confirmed that one of the methods advocated by physicist Edward Teller is to fill the atmosphere with metallic particles to "scatter away 1 or 2 percent of the sunlight... the sooner the better."

Prendere nota di "scatter the sunlight" insieme al "block the sun" di prima.

Last December, a Canadian citizen complaining to his local air authority about sky-muck over Victoria, British Columbia, was told by that authority that the chemtrail formations were the result of a joint U.S. and Canadian military exercise.

A questo punto qualcuno dev'essere stato licenziato.

For over two years Congress has been deluged with public complaints about chemtrails and the illness that invariably accompanies heavy spray campaigns.

Il bario e l'alluminio di cui sopra in azione? O i "biological active chemicals" del brevetto?

Thus far, congressional reps answer angry inquiries with canned recitations that chemtrails are nothing but contrails that form when hot jet exhaust mixes with atmospheric air of low vapor pressure and temperature.

Ma non è vero, primo perché si formano a quote più alte, secondo perché trattandosi di condensa spariscono, terzo perché per quelle non ci sono i modulo in PDF dello stato del Texas.

Ci si sposta dagli Stati Uniti per andare a frugare altrove:

Ruzzante interroga il Governo sulle "chemtrails"

Le testimonianze nel nostro Paese coprono un periodo che dal 2000 giunge fino ad oggi e provengono soprattutto da centri urbani e dintorni del centro–nord – Milano, Monza, Torino, Vicenza, Cagliari, Como, Bologna, Perugia, Urbino, Reggio Emilia – con una particolare incidenza nel Veneto e nella zona di Padova. Nelle fotografie le scie, invece di disperdersi nell’aria, acquistano colori tenui, si espandono e si allargano centralmente, a volte unendosi tra loro o mescolandosi con corpi nuvolosi. Le formazioni nei cieli seguono percorsi non rettilinei e non giustificabili da un traffico aereo di routine, assumendo alcune disposizioni ricorrenti: parallele, curve con più evoluzioni, a ics, a “cancelletto”, a griglia, a croce. Molti testimoni descrivono rapidi cambiamenti climatici successivi alla comparsa delle scie, addensamenti nuvolosi a strati e, in qualche caso, precipitazioni piovose.


Più recentemente in un’altra interrogazione, Sandi e Piero Ruzzante, entrambi diessini e veneti, hanno allargato l’inchiesta anche ai ministeri della Difesa, dell’Ambiente e delle Infrastrutture. “E’ innegabile che queste scie non siano fenomeni naturali e non siano normali scie di condensazione” dichiara Ruzzante “a questo punto va chiarita l’origine. Non ho nessuna tesi anche se ne esistono diverse, per questo abbiamo coinvolto vari ministeri. Le mie domande sono precise e rispondono al bisogno di chiarezza dei cittadini.

E che fine hanno fatto le risposte alle interrogazioni?

Per Ruzzante trovare risposte chiare sembra impossibile. E in effetti la comunità scientifica tende a minimizzare e bollare le scie come una leggenda metropolitana.

Alla gran faccia della comunità "scientifica" che oggi spaccia vaccini, domani spaccia psicofarmaci insabbiando documenti e dopodomani chissà cosa inventerà. D'altra parte, il Texas dice che la cosa è conosciuta da 50 anni. Se uno non vuole credere al Texas, può andare a guardare le date dei brevetti (e non si dica poi che i brevetti non servono a niente).

All’istituto di scienze dell’atmosfera e del Clima del CNR–Area della Ricerca di Bologna non sanno risponderci nulla. Ma se la massima autorità scientifica italiana che studia l’atmosfera non sa cosa accade sulle nostre teste, chi può fornire delle ipotesi di spiegazione?

Idea: una telefonata all'ONU?

“Un altro tassello del puzzle” racconta il giornalista Bosco “è che in Croazia le scie sono comparse per la prima volta il giorno successivo alla domanda formale di adesione alla Nato. Coincidenza?

Le segnalazioni di scie riguardano Paesi che appartengono alla NATO o vi orbitano attorno. In Cina e in Russia, ad esempio, le Chemtrail non sono mai comparse.

Guarda caso.

Sembra che le scie contengano solfati di alluminio o sali di bario, forse utili per aumentare la conducivibilità elettromagnetica. Di sicuro, influenzano il clima.

Conducivilità elettromagnetica?

Vuoi vedere che dietro gli ultimi cambiamenti climatici, le inondazioni nel Centro Europa di un anno fa e le siccità dell’ultima estate, si nascondono gli esperimenti di qualche mago della pioggia?


Did a Secret Military Experiment Cause the 2003 Blackout?

The event conveniently began a few minutes after the closing bell on Wall Street as to not effect the days trading, but while power usage in the northeast on that hot day was still at peak. The event began in a bottleneck region where only a few percent increase in power flow could cause such a critical failure of the entire grid.

The physical cause of the event such as the classic squirrel shorting out a transformer, has not been found; there were no indications of any lightning being present; nor was there any significant solar activity to cause an unexpected surge in the grid.

Finally, the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project) was turned on just after 4:00 PM EST on that fateful day.

Ma questa è un'altra storia. Andiamo avanti:

The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame

Global warming has finally been explained: the Earth is getting hotter because the Sun is burning more brightly than at any time during the past 1,000 years, according to new research. A study by Swiss and German scientists suggests that increasing radiation from the sun is responsible for recent global climate changes.


After Years of Dimming, Earth's Reflection Brightens

Scientists studying the amount of light reflected by the Earth say the planet appeared to dim from 1984 to 2001 and then reversed its trend and brightened from 2001 to 2003.

The change appears to have resulted from changes in the amount of clouds covering the planet. More clouds reflect more light back into space, potentially cooling the planet, while a dimmer planet with fewer clouds would be warmed by the arriving sunlight.

Ed ecco che torna buono lo "scatter the sunlight" di prima.

Questa è nuova:

Pollution 'hides' global warming

The true extent of global warming is being hidden by atmospheric pollution, a German scientist is warning.

Ma non si era sempre detto il contrario?

The Earth could heat up more quickly as the cooling effect of this pollution is reduced, Professor Meinrat Andreae told a London conference on Monday.

Non me lo dire:

He said aerosols - tiny particles of, typically, sulphur or carbon held in the air - helped to cool the planet. But since these were expected to diminish in the coming decades, global warming would accelerate, he claimed. The aerosols come from natural sources, such as volcanoes - but a substantial load also comes from human sources, such as the soot from oil and wood burning.


Aerosols are an important but uncertain agent of climate change.


By absorbing or scattering radiation, they can either warm or cool the troposphere. They can also modify clouds and affect precipitation.

Ma quale uncertain, ci sono quaranta brevetti e lo Stato del Texas che ci mette soldi (insieme a chissà quanti altri).



It can be demonstrated that the introduction of essentially any metallic or metallic salt aerosol into the lower atmosphere will have the effect of heating up that lower atmosphere. The impact is both significant and measurable. Those that seek and express concern on the so called global warming problem might wish to begin their search with an inquiry into the thermodynamics of artificially introduced metallic aerosols into the lower atmosphere.
Any claim that the aerosol operations represent a mitigating influence on the global warming problem appears to be a complete facade that is in direct contradiction to the fundamental principles of physics and thermodynamics. The lack of candor and honesty by government, media and environmental protection agencies in response to public inquiry is further evidence of the fictitious fronts that have been proposed. It is past time to recognize that one of the primary effects of the dense aerosols that now permanently mar the lifeblood of this planet is the heating up of the very atmosphere that we breathe.

The early stage of the current argument for global heating and the aggravation of drought conditions was proposed approximately two years ago.


Recent analysis leads to the conclusion that the extensive and systematic aerosol operations that are being conducted without informed consent are aggravating, if not instigating, the elevated drought conditions that are now commonly being observed.

With regard to the elements under examination, we can see that with exception to magnesium, each has a specific heat less than that of air. The current analysis leads us to conclude that the introduction of each of the elements with a specific heat less than that of air would have the effect of increasing the temperature of the modified air for a given amount of heat. We also see, on the contrary, that the introduction of water into the atmosphere, would have a beneficial effect upon heat reduction due to the large value of specific heat.

Sorge immediatamente il dubbio: invece di pagare la Weather Modification Inc. per girare il mondo con due aerei a pedali, non si farebbe prima ad utilizzare gli aerei di linea? D'altra parte, per "risparmiare" le rotte punto-punto si vanno moltiplicando. Poi ci sono le compagnie "low cost" che sembrano fatte apposta per andare avanti e indietro, e non si capisce da dove vadano a prendere i soldi, oltre a fallire e risorgere ogni tanto miracolosamente.

Frughiamo ancora nei bookmark del maestro wu:


When I got to the plane I found out that the problem was in waste disposal system. There was nothing for me to do but to crawl in and fix the problem. When I got into the bay I realized that something was not right. There were more tanks, pumps, and pipes then should have been there. At first I assumed that the system had been changed. It had been 10 years since I had worked on one. As I tried to find the problem I quickly realized the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system.

The next day I was on the company computer to look up a wiring schematic. While I was there I decided to look up the extra equipment I had found. To my amazement the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes the day before. I even tied in to the manufacturer files and still found nothing.

I began to trace the piping from the pumps. These pipes lead to a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers. If you look closely at the wings of a large airplane you will see a set of wires, about the size of your finger, extending from the trailing edge of the wing surfaces. These are the static discharge wicks. They are used to dissipate the static electric charge that builds up on a plane in flight. I discovered that the pipes from this mystery system lead to every 1 out of 3 of these static discharge wicks. These wicks had been "hollowed out" to allow whatever flows through these pipes to be discharged through these fake wicks.

I don't know what they are spraying but I can tell you how they are doing it. I figure they are using the "honey trucks". These are the trucks that empty the waste from the lavatory waste tanks. The airports usually contract out this job and nobody goes near these trucks. Who wants to stand next a truck full of sh--.

Qui non ha tutti i torti...

While these guys are emptying the waste tanks they are filling the tanks of the spray system. They know the planes flight path so they probably program the control unit to start spraying some amount of time after the plane reaches a certain altitude. The spray nozzles in the fake static wicks are so small that no one in the plane would see a thing.



They told us that the government was going to pay our airline, along with others, to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft.

When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it. They then went on to state that the chemicals were harmless, but the program was of such importance that it needed to be done at all costs. When we asked them why didn't they just rig military aircraft to spray these chemicals, they stated that there weren't enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needs to be done.

Non è che qualcuno ci sta pigliando per il culo un'altra volta?

Chi ne avesse voglia può prendere la propria macchina fotografica da 40 terapixel, fare una foto a tutto quello che gli vola sopra la testa e fare da solo gli ultimi due conti (e chi non fa i compiti a casa finisce nella risaia).

Altra gioia per tutta la famiglia: More Weather Control.

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