Dopo il "Weather Modification Act" della puntata precedente, altre meraviglie prodotte con il denaro del taxpayer. Tutte cose che, naturalmente, non esistono: se esistessero sarebbero scritte sui giornali e sui media indipendenti, com'è ovvio, inoltre sarebbero ammesse ufficialmente dal governo buono e generoso che si occupa dei cittadini devoti e bisognosi. Nella puntata precedente era saltata fuori addirittura un'interrogazione parlamentare, ovviamente opera di parlamentari cospirazionisti e paranoici, dato che non ha senso interrogare su una cosa che non esiste.
Fonte: Kansas Water Office.
Weather Modification
The Office administrates the provisions of the Kansas Weather Modification Act which authorizes it to license and issue permits for the cloud seeding program of the Western Kansas Groundwater Management District No. 1 and for other cloud seeding programs that may operate in adjacent states and need to conduct cloud seeding in areas of Kansas that are close to their primary target area. Some new state funding is available for this program which has reduced crop hail damage by 49 percent in the target area.
Non solo il Kansas è popolato di imbecilli che credono ad una cosa che non esiste, ma ci spendono pure del denaro.
La situazione in Oklahoma non è più confortante:
Weather Modification
The primary goals of the temporarily suspended Oklahoma Weather Modification Program are to augment water supplies and prevent future drought and/or hail damage to crops and property. Directed by the OWRB and Oklahoma Weather Modification Advisory Board, and operating from 1996 through 2001, the effort was typically conducted in the spring and fall from bases in Oklahoma City and Woodward. The OWRB and Advisory Board continuously monitored moisture and related agricultural conditions throughout Oklahoma to identify prime seeding areas.
Prendere nota di hail damage.
Rather than a fleeting "drought relief "effort, the Oklahoma program has been designed as a long-term water resource management and hazard mitigation tool. The effort has been modeled after operational programs in Kansas, North Dakota and Texas where rainfall increased 20 percent or more and losses to hail decreased as much as 45 percent. In Oklahoma, hail is responsible for many millions of dollars in crop and property damage each year.
E' chiaro che queste percentuali sono state inventate da qualche burocrate paranoico!
Under a contract with the OWRB, the Oklahoma Climatological Survey (Environmental Verification and Analysis Center) conducted independent evaluations of the Oklahoma Weather Modification Program in 1996 and 1998 to determine its effectiveness in augmenting rainfall and suppressing hail damage throughout the state. The evaluation concluded that program results are consistent with results from similar programs in other states. More specifically, radar response images indicated precipitation and increased cloud development downwind of project operations.
Tradotto: non dovrebbe esistere, ma funziona ugualmente.
Numerous other states--including Kansas (operated by the Western Kansas Groundwater Management District #1), North Dakota (North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board), and Texas (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation)--are employing weather modification technology with general success. The State of Texas participates in 10 separate cloud seeding programs.
Come sono carini tutti insieme, questi Stati che si baloccano con l'immaginario.
For FY-02 and FY-03, Congress appropriated more than $3 million to establish the Weather Damage Modification Program (WDMP), a multi-state weather modification research program, including Oklahoma. Administered through the Bureau of Reclamation, the regional, multi-state research program will seek to scientifically verify the potential benefits of weather modification technology in mitigating weather-induced hazards. State partners involved in the WDMP--including Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico--and officials from the Oklahoma Weather Center are planning to initiate the cooperative research effort later in 2003.
Andiamo a vedere la carta:
The intent of the Oklahoma Weather Modification Demonstration Program was to be an evaluation the potential effects and benefits of an operational program rather than an experiment attempting to "prove the concept" of weather modification. Since the operational aspect of this program did not allow for a statistical determination of any impact on the amount of precipitation, this report provides some general analysis and case studies. Although this is an excerpt of the 1997 evaluation, the results of the 1996 and 1998 evaluations were similar.
Key findings can be summarized as follows:
Qualitative analysis of specific rainfall enhancement seeding operations suggests that they are consistent with the seeding hypothesis. Specifically, in most cases, precipitation and increased cloud development are present after and downwind of the rainfall enhancement seeding activities. These results agree with the efforts of existing research projects which have demonstrated a seeding signature based upon long-term studies. However, the available evidence from the 1997 project is insufficient to suggest that this represents a seeding signature.
Forse non vi siete impegnati abbastanza.
Significant emphasis is placed on the analysis of a period in mid-May during which some seeding was randomized in conjunction with the collection of cloud physics data during a series of research flights. An analysis of the liquid water content (LWC) and droplet concentration show a decrease in the LWC after seeding, which supports the static seeding hypothesis. These results are consistent with research efforts of other states such as North Dakota, Kansas, and Texas, which have shown increased precipitation associated with the cloud changes described above. Since the cloud microphysics are consistent with the seeding hypothesis, and also agree with previous efforts, the seeding may have played a role in enhancing the rainfall duration or intensity. Analysis of the WSR-88D radar for one case study shows that it began to rain prior to and upwind of the seeding; thus, it is certain that the seeding did not cause the rain in that particular event. It is possible that the noted decrease in LWC and change in droplet and ice concentration are associated with naturally-occurring phenomena.
Per la cronaca, c'è anche il flight log dell'aereo: "WMI Seeding Aircraft".
Hail suppression results are inconclusive as there is no evidence that those flights resulted in a decrease in the intensity or size of specific hail events. An analysis of the hail reports for 1997 does yield some suggestion that the operator is capable of identifying those systems most likely to produce significant hail damage, and the methods used by the operator are consistent with efforts in other states, which have shown a reduction in hail damage. Finally, fewer than half of the significant hail events were in areas where the clouds were seeded, suggesting that perhaps more attention needs to be placed on hail suppression in future years.
Avremo più fortuna la prossima volta.
As part of the 1997 OKWMDP a cloud physics research plane made several flights in May. The research plane made initial passes through suitable seeding candidates which were then seeded or not seeded on a random basis. On May 15 the research plane made several passes through a cloud located over southwestern Canadian county. Looking at the first page of the flight log for this flight you can see that the first pass was begun at 1648Z (11:48 AM CDT), the cloud was seeded at 1705Z (12:05 PM CDT) and the last pass was begun at 1717Z (12:17 PM CDT). The supercooled liquid water (SLW) content for this cloud decreases after seeding, and the SLW distributions show a similar trend. These facts are consistent with the static phase seeding hypothesis but they are not conclusive because the SLW content in clouds will naturally decrease as the cloud matures.
The reflectivity images show that the cloud did grow in intensity during the course of the research/seeding activites, which is to be expected if the seeding is having the desired effect. The precipitation images show that this cloud produced 0.3 inches of rain. From this it is easy to jump to the conclusion that the seeding worked--the cloud was seeded and it rained. However, the images show that the reflectivity was increasing and it was raining before the cloud was even seeded. So, does this mean that the seeding did not work? We can't make that conclusion either because it's possible that the seeding accelerated the growth of the cloud and enhanced the amount and/or duration of the rain. This case illustrates the main difficulty of evaluating cloud seeding: it is impossible to know with certainty what would have happend if the cloud had not been seeded.
In pratica non ci avete capito niente, ma ci mettete dentro soldi comunque.
Forse in North Dakota hanno avuto più fortuna.
North Dakota Cloud Modification Project
Fonte: North Dakota State Water Commission.
The North Dakota Cloud Modification Project (NDCMP) is an operational program that seeds clouds for hail reduction and rain enhancement in all or parts of six counties in western North Dakota. Counties currently participating in the program are Bowman, McKenzie, Mountrail, Ward, Williams, and part of Slope.
Evaluation Summaries
Since the creation of the Atmospheric Resource Board (originally the Weather Modification Board) in 1975, a number of evaluations have been made of the effects of the program.
Non solo questa roba non esiste, ma ci perdono tempo dal '75. Ricordate un po' di date.
These evaluations have been based on a variety of differing data bases. Among them are: National Weather Service (NWS) rainfall data, crop hail insurance data compiled by the National Crop Insurance Service (NCIS), and wheat yield data compiled by North Dakota State University.
Computer-based numerical models have also played an important role. Economic models have provided estimates of the economic benefits of the program, while cloud models have produced increased insights into the complex processes within the clouds that ultimately govern hail and rain production. All of these evaluations have been independent, that is to say, they've been done by agencies and universities unaffiliated with the ARB, allowing the best qualified persons to do the evaluations, improving the chances for an unbiased, solid, scientific approach.
As of this date, all evaluations of the program have shown positive or neutral results. No suggestions have been found of negative impacts, either within or outside target areas.
C'è anche la cartina con le NDCMP Operation Areas.
Nella sezione Photos and Video potrete ammirare, tra le altre cose, gli ejectable flares, i burn in place flares, e il famoso wingtip generator. Tutta roba che non esiste, quindi fate finta di non averla vista, dopo averla vista nel sito ufficiale della North Dakota State Water Commission, che ovviamente non esiste.
Avanti: History
Operational cloud seeding got its start in North Dakota in the 1950's, when ground-based seeding activities began in the west. By the late 1950's, hail was recognized as the greatest weather-related threat to small grain crops; many growers suffered significant hail damage or total losses in back-to-back years.
The beginnings of what is today's North Dakota Cloud Modification Project came about when Bowman County farmer-rancher Wilbur Brewer joined forces with pilot neighbors Bill Fisher and Bill Mazaros to form Weather Modification, Incorporated, the state's first all-airborne commercial cloud seeding company. Seeding first for just a few townships, then later entire counties, the program expanded and spread eastward throughout much of North Dakota. The program at that time was entirely locally sponsored.
Sono gli stessi della puntata precedente.
In the early years, silver iodide was the seeding agent, released in the updrafts of mature storms perceived to pose a hail threat. Though little was known about how the hail suppression effect came about within the clouds, the results were positive (Butchbaker 1973). In 1975, support from the State of North Dakota was sought, and the North Dakota Weather Modification Board was created as a division of the Aeronautics Commission. In 1976, state cost-sharing was available for the program for the first time, and a total of 17 counties participated in the NDCMP.
Vi ricordate vagamente il silver iodide?
Within the next few years, participation diminished sharply in the eastern portion of the state, but remained in the west. While the reasons for this are subject to some conjecture, it is noted that in general, the eastern half of North Dakota receives significantly more rainfall, which of course lessens the desire for more moisture, and hence the program. It was noted by Dr. Archie Kahan, while director of the United States Bureau of Reclamation's cloud seeding research program, that "Interest in weather modification is soluble in rain water." In Dr. Kahan's words lies a basic truth about humanity, that being when one has an abundant supply of an essential commodity, they lose interest in acquiring more-- at least until they run short again.
As cost-sharing dollars were pared from the board's budget, additional counties dropped from the program in the west. However, in the last dozen years, only four counties have left the program, although a portion of the last to leave rejoined the program for the 2000 project season. A resurgence of interest has recently developed after several very positive evaluations of the NDCMP, prompting, in part, the addition of Williams county to the program in 1997.
In 1980, a Federally-funded research program was undertaken to develop an understanding of the physical processes involved in hail and precipitation formation, and how such processes might be best modified beneficially. The program, known as the Federal-State Cooperative Program in Atmospheric Modification Research, is was funded through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an agency within the Department of Commerce.
Quelli della NOAA sono gli stessi accusati di negligenza criminale per la lieve faccenda dello tsunami. Negligenza o altro?
Roughly half a million federal dollars per year were pooled with the available state resources to collect and analyze thunderstorm data. Major field efforts were mounted every three to four years, while analysis efforts filled the years between field efforts. A great number of technical papers from this research program were included in national scientific publications. The program, unfortunately, was a budget casualty in 1994, but renewed efforts are underway to involve the Federal Government in cloud seeding research.
Questi pubblicano articolo su cose che non esistono, quindi gli articoli (logicamente) non esistono.
The ARB gained national recognition through the Atmospheric Modification Research Program, and in the process built strong ties with the Center for Aerospace Sciences at the University of North Dakota, the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, the National Science Foundation, and several NOAA research laboratories including the National Severe Storms Laboratory. Ties and interactions with the National Weather Service were also strengthened.
Si potrebbe tornare a trovare gli amici in Texas.
Texas has an extensive history of efforts to lessen the impact of periodic, often severe, droughts through the use of cloud seeding technologies. Many ‘rainmaking’ projects sprouted durng the epic drought of the 1950s, giving the Texas Legislature the impetus to adopt a law, in 1967, governing the use of weather modification technologies. That measure was followed by a protracted effort, using federal research funds, to conduct research on existing, and new, cloud seeding technologies during the 1970s and 1980s.
Si capisce senza sforzo che questa legge non esiste, non esistendo neanche il resto.
In the wake of cloud seeding experiments that yielded substantial, compelling evidence that cloud seeding could promote more rainfall from summertime convective clouds (thunderstorms), a coordinated, State-funded program began in earnest in the latter half of the 1990s. Today, with drought posing a continual threat to the economy and well-being of Texans, rain enhancement projects flourish within large areas of Northwest, West, and South Texas. In fact, these nine cloud seeding projects today cover more acreage (some 44 million, or nearly 30 percent of the land area of the state) than at any other time in the state’s history.
Individuals, or organizations, representing areas of the state not now engaged in cloud seeding but with an interest in doing so should contact George Bomar (51X-93X-431X; e-mail: george.bomar(at) of the TDLR about any, and all, weather modification permitting and licensing matters or for general information about cloud seeding technology.
Questa persona probabilmente è un Man In Black, infatti non esiste. Chiamatelo pure "K". Il numero lo ha tolto il maestro wu altrimenti gli telefonate tutti insieme per fare gli auguri del capodanno cinese. Male che vada lo andate a cercare sul link originale.
Ancora: Utah Division of Water Resource
Utah is the second driest state in the nation, and as such there exists a need for additional water in many areas of the state. Dams and reservoirs, sprinkler irrigation systems, and improved water delivery systems are often employed to conserve and fully utilize the natural water supply. However, more water is often desired. Weather modification, or cloud seeding, is seen as a viable way to augment the natural water supply.
Over the years, local sponsors along with the Utah Division of Water Resources have been involved with numerous cloud seeding programs designed to increase the winter precipitation within different areas of the state. Studies indicate that these winter seeding projects generally increase the winter precipitation by 14 to 20%. Economic analysis of this sort of increase in precipitation shows that the benefits from the extra water far outweigh the operational costs of seeding. The pamphlet Weather Modification: Some facts about seeding clouds gives a good explanation of the science behind cloudseeding.
C'è anche l'opuscolo da leggere, non sono carini tutti insieme?
Local water users in Central Utah began seeding clouds as early as the 1950's. Large-scale seeding projects have been ongoing since 1973. For the dates and locations of historical seeding activities, see Historical Cloud Seeding in Utah. To see where current wintertime cloudseeding efforts are being focused, see Current Projects.
Ancora: Cloud Seeding to Increase Precipitation
The state of Utah through the Division of Water Resources shall be the only entity, private or public, that shall have authority to authorize cloud-seeding research, evaluation, or implementation projects to alter precipitation, cloud forms, or meteorological parameters within the state of Utah, except cloud seeding for the suppression of fog; and frost prevention measures for the protection of orchards and crops are excluded from the coverage of this act. The Division of Water Resources shall authorize and may sponsor or develop local or state-wide cloud-seeding projects that conform to over-all state water planning objectives and are determined to be feasible by the Division of Water Resources.
Si sono anche disturbati a fare qualche legge in proposito. Legge che (ovviamente) non esiste.
Ovviamente il Nevada non resta certo a guardare. Anzi, offre anche i bookmark, tra i quali:
North American Weather Modification Council
The North American Interstate Weather Modification Council (NAIWMC) is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization of regulatory agencies, sponsoring organizations, and research institutions involved in atmospheric water resource management technology, commonly known as weather modification or cloud seeding. The NAIWMC exists to facilitate the free exchange of information regarding cloud seeding research and operations in North America.
Lo stesso vale per il Colorado:
Weather Modification Permit Program
The moisture suspended in the atmosphere is a natural resource. It has been estimated that only about 2% to 3% of the moisture in the atmosphere falls as natural precipitation. Moisture which falls naturally or is artificially induced to fall as precipitation within Colorado is the property of the people of the state. Weather Modification (WM) is the science and practice of artificially changing the weather. Cloud seeding, the primary WM activity, is the intentional treatment of individual clouds or cloud systems to achieve some desired effect. The Colorado General Assembly has declared that the State of Colorado recognizes that economic benefits can be derived for the people of the state from weather modification. Operations, research, experimentation, and development in the field of weather modification shall therefore be encouraged.
La Colorado General Assembly, naturalmente, non esiste. Quali garanzie di sicurezza ci siano sulla experimentation in the field of weather modification non è dato sapere.
Nel frattempo, qualcuno pensa di ricavare denaro da ciò che non c'è:
North American Weather Consultants, Inc.
The World's Longest Standing Private Weather Modification Company
North American Weather Consultants, incorporated in 1950, specializes in providing Weather Modification, Air Quality Services, Ambient Monitoring, Tracer Studies, Applied Meteorological Studies, and Expert Testimony to clients in the U.S.A. and around the world.
A questo punto bisognerebbe quasi credere che dal 1950 ad oggi sono sempre fermi allo stesso punto, tutti intenti a sbattere la testa su qualcosa che non esiste e non funziona.
Weather Modification Services
Snowfall and Rainfall Augmentation: North American Weather Consultants has conducted more than 200 weather modification projects involving snowfall or rainfall augmentation world-wide since 1950. These programs have been designed to increase the naturally occurring rainfall or snowfall in a selected target area by utilizing cloud seeding agents to increase the efficiency of the natural precipitation process. The most common seeding agent is microscopic sized particles of silver iodide. These silver iodide particles are dispersed either from the ground or aircraft. We also have experience using less common seeding materials for specialized applications. Typical precipitation increases from the programs range from 10 to 15 percent (in wintertime cold climate areas) to 20 to 25 percent (in more maritime tropical regions) over what would have occurred naturally. Users of this technology range from irrigation districts, municipalities, hydroelectric facilities and recreational areas (ski areas). Contact us for further information on precipitation augmentation by visiting our Information Request page.
Fog Dissipation: There are two common types of fog that occur in numerous conditions around the world: warm and cold fog. Warm fog and cold fog are differentiated by temperature; warm fog is warmer than 32°F (0°C) and cold fog is colder than 32°F (0°C). Both types are composed of water droplets. Warm fog is the more common of the two. Warm fog is microphysically stable and difficult to modify. Cold fog, on the other hand, is microphysically unstable and can be modified much more readily. Water droplets in these fogs can be frozen by the introduction of a heterogeneous seeding agents such as silver iodide or homogeneous agents such as dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) or liquefied propane. Ground dispensers can be used to dispense silver iodide or to vent liquefied propane. Aircraft are used to drop small particles of dry ice into the fog. The typical application of this technology is to improve the visibility in the landing zones of airports to prevent aircraft diversions. Contact us for further information on fog dissipation by visiting our Information Request page.
Feasibility/Design/Evaluation Studies: North American Weather Consultants not only conducts operational cloud seeding programs, but has also been intimately involved in numerous research oriented cloud seeding programs since the mid-1950's. This combined operational and research experience allows us to assess the feasibility of conducting a cloud seeding program for snowfall or rainfall augmentation in a given area, design an effective program and evaluation method if a program appears to be feasible, and evaluate the effectiveness of cloud seeding programs. Contact us for further information on this topic by visiting our Information Request page.
Airborne Cloud Physics and Tracer Studies: Observations above the surface of the earth are frequently of interest to a variety of users. In weather studies and weather modification research, North American Weather Consultants has utilized aircraft to obtain measurements within clouds, including temperature, dew point, water content, ice particle concentration, and wind direction and speed. Further, an atmospheric tracer, for example sulfur hexafluoride, can be released from either a ground or airborne location, then tracked by an aircraft equipped with a special real-time analyzer that can detect minute concentrations of sulfur hexafluoride downwind for tens of kilometers from the source.
These airborne observations can be utilized to assess the seeding potential of different cloud forms affecting a given area. Use of an atmospheric tracer released upwind of these cloud forms can be used to assess the effectiveness of different seeding locations. Airborne tracer measurements have also been conducted to address air quality and pollutant dispersion issues, in an ambient air context as well as in tracking point/facility source plumes. Contact us for further information on these topics by visiting our Information Request page.
Non finisce più.
Technology Transfer/Seeding Equipment: Cloud seeding programs can be designed to address specific meteorological conditions and client needs. Qualified client personnel can work with our personnel learning cloud seeding techniques. Given adequate cross-training of personnel, the client personnel can gain the necessary skills that will eventually allow them to assume the on-going responsibility of conducting a successful cloud seeding program.
Ad un certo punto devono essere diventati così tanti da mettere in piedi una loro associazione.
Weather Modification Association
Andiamo tutti qui a cercare il bill number S2170, che non dovrebbe esistere ma c'è.
Senate Floor Speech
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison
March 4, 2004 -- Page: S2232, Congressional Record
MRS. HUTCHISON: Mr. President, I rise to introduce legislation to recognize the importance and need for increased weather modification research. Weather modification is the general term that refers to any human attempt to alter the weather. While we may not be able to stop Mother Nature entirely, we can sometimes alter her course, changing the weather in small, yet significant ways. These efforts have been used in the U.S. for more than 50 years to reduce crop and property damage, optimize useable precipitation during growing seasons and lessen the impact of periodic, often severe droughts.
The weather modification projects in Texas and other States in the U.S. are much more than well considered responses to drought. They are trying to use the latest technological developments in the science to chemically squeeze more precipitation out of clouds. Moisture that is needed to replenish fresh-water supplies in aquifers and reservoirs. Political subdivisions like water conservation districts and county commissions have embraced the technology of rain enhancement as one element of a long-term, water-management strategy. This is critical to ensure growing populations have enough water to meet future needs.
This bill will develop a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy through federal and state research and development programs. It will also establish a Weather Modification Advisory and Research Board within the Department of Commerce to promote and expand the practical knowledge of weather modification. Further, it recognizes the significance of state and federal collaboration in this endeavor.
I am proud to offer this legislation to bring attention to this important research and I would urge my colleagues to support the Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act.
E meno male che non doveva esistere, insieme a tutta quest'altra roba. Chi ha voglia di leggere troverà carta a volontà.
A proposito di leggi: TITLE 15—COMMERCE AND TRADE
TITLE 15 > CHAPTER 9A > § 330
The term “weather modification” means any activity performed with the intention of producing artificial changes in the composition, behavior, or dynamics of the atmosphere.
Fonte: US Code Collection, Cornell University Law School.
Visto così, sembra lo scherzo di quattro buontemponi con qualche dollaro da spendere, che svolazzano sui loro piccoli Cessna per far piovere sull'orto di casa.
Andiamo a vedere se ci sono altri personaggi spiritosi in giro.
23/06/2004: Who'll stop the rain? Paul McCartney, that's who
You can't control the weather, event professionals say. But apparently that rule does not apply to former Beatle Paul McCartney. In St. Petersburg, Russia, for a concert over the weekend, McCartney's team reportedly held off the threat of rain for the outdoor event by spending $55,000 for three jets to spray the clouds above the city with dry ice. Some 50,000 people gathered in Palace Square for McCartney's concert, only his second performance in Russia. The former Soviet regime had banned Beatle music as a corrupting influence.
Questi, invece dei pulciosi Cessna, hanno tirato fuori almeno dei jet. E Paul McCartney non esiste.
Ancora, dal 23/05/2003: Planes to keep Russian jubilee dry
MOSCOW, Russia -- Russian cloud-seeding planes will be in the skies to keep St. Petersburg free from rain during the city's 300th anniversary festivities. On orders from President Vladimir Putin, 10 planes equipped with chemical charges will try to keep Russia's second city dry as tourists and world leaders attend the jubilee celebration. "Our aim is to empty all clouds of rain before they hit the city borders," Vladimir Stepanenko of St. Petersburg's Geophysics Observatory told The Times of London. Since the Soviet era, Russians have sought to control the weather, developing techniques to halt or induce rain as well as stop hail from damaging crops.
Stessa identica storia. In Russia ormai si va sul sicuro. Per la difesa dell'agricoltura, naturalmente!
Alla fine hanno risolto anche il problema della grandine, a forza di ragionarci sopra:
Nissan Uses Device to Stop Hail
Nissan demonstrated its new device designed to protect its parking lot from a hailstorm for WLBT News on Tuesday. It is a cannon that sends sonic waves up to 50,000 feet in the air to keep hailstones from forming.
There are more than 400 such machines in operation in the world, and this is the ninth one installed in the United States. They are made in Canada and are used primarily to protect crops. It works by using its own radar to detect the conditions that are favorable for hail to form.
Che dite, forse non esiste neanche questo. Il cannone con le sonic waves è chiaramente un'invenzione della WLBT, il cui logo richiama vagamente una certa nota emittente made in USA (probabilmente non esisterà neanche quella.)
It automatically activates when its own weather radar system detects conditions favorable for the formation of hail. It fires every 5.5 seconds, making a sound we know can be heard at least five miles away from the Nissan plant near Canton. It then starts sending sound waves into the cloud every five-and-a-half seconds. The sound at ground zero is about 120 decibels, or about the same as a tornado warning siren. Workers are installing fences around two of the machines in the 140-acre parking lot at Nissan and filling the fences with hay in an effort to reduce the sound level.
Eric Rademacher is an environmental engineer with Nissan who is an expert on the Hail Suppression System. "Hailstones are formed and begin with a piece of dust in the clouds," he explains. "There is a lot of activity going on, and what we do is to de-ionize that activity in the clouds and keep those dust particles from collecting moisture out of the clouds in turn reacting and forming what we know as a hailstone." If you ever hear this system activate in Madison County near Nissan, it's time to get yourself and your vehicle protected from hailstones. Nissan hopes it will save millions of dollars worth of vehicles from hail damage. They won't say what it cost, but admit they won't really know if it works until there is a hail storm over the plant. The sound is produced by igniting the same material used for welding.
This is the first such machine used by an auto-manufacturer. The man who installed it bought a Nissan Pathfinder Armada, which is made at the plant.
Probabilmente alla Nissan hanno fumato qualcosa di losco, e hanno inventato questa strana storia.
Purtroppo i cinesi sono sempre in mezzo a tutto.
China rain-making creates a storm
Fonte: BBC (che non esiste), 14/04/04.
Relations between neighbouring Chinese cities have become stormy over the use of controversial technology which encourages rainfall. Drought-stricken central Henan province has been using a method called cloud seeding, in which chemicals are shot at clouds, the China Daily reported. The method did bring rain to Henan - but not equally to all areas. Meteorological officials in one city accused neighbouring colleagues of over-using the method, the paper said. The five cities of Pingdingshan, Zhumadian, Luohe, Xuchang and Zhoukou have all been suffering from drought, but were finally blessed with rain as a result of cloud seeding on Saturday, the China Daily reported. However, while Pingdingshan received more than 100mm of rainfall, less than 30mm fell on Zhoukou. One Zhoukou official accused Pingdingshan of intercepting clouds that would probably have drifted to other places.
"They (Pingdingshan) were still launching rockets to make rain when they already had rain falling," he is reported as saying.
Cloud seeding is a long-practised technology which uses rockets, planes, cannons or ground generators to fire particles, usually silver iodide, into clouds to encourage water vapour to gather round them and eventually fall as rain.
C'è anche il disegno, tanto per chiarire.
2. Droplets of supercooled water (liquid below freezing) coalesce into snow and melt as they fall
3. Heat released as the droplets freeze boosts updrafts, which pull more moist air into the cloud
E con questo siamo a posto.
Ovviamente, il giocattolo (che non esiste) non serve solo a far piovere.
Environmental Absorbent Products
Dyn-O-Mat® has perfected a product that will be commonly known as Dyn-O-Gel. This product as developed has the ability to alter drought conditions and conserve water.
E allora?
Historical Milestone Timeline
A hurricane is a collection of thunderstorms off the coast of Africa, spinning in a counter clockwise motion along with the Earth's rotation. This collection of thunderstorms can grow to a very large size and successfully taking one of them on is a task that has never been done before. The way the Dyn-O-Mat team is going after the storm is by using what is called a "Venturi Action". The "Venturi Action" can be described as a pie-shaped piece that will be cut from the outer band into the eye of the storm. The intended result of this action is to allow the system to use its own strength on itself. Essentially disrupt the cell, in hopes of significantly weakening the devastating power of the storm. Based on the success of this test, Dyn-O-Mat® and its team of experts will prepare to combat a tropical storm or a hurricane in its embryo stage (weather permitting) in the very near future.
C'è anche l'angolino dei media.
Evidentemente, dopo aver fatto cadere le prime due gocce di pioggia, qualcuno si è fatto venire in mente qualche idea strana, al che hanno sentito tutti il bisogno di scrivere un po' di carta.
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
Fonte: US Department Of State (questo forse esiste, che dite?)
Bureau of Arms Control
Signed in Geneva May 18, 1977
Entered into force October 5, 1978
Use of environmental modification techniques for hostile purposes does not play a major role in military planning at the present time. Such techniques might be developed in the future, however, and would pose a threat of serious damage unless action was taken to prohibit their use. In July 1972 the U.S. Government renounced the use of climate modification techniques for hostile purposes, even if their development were proved to be feasible in the future.
Both the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives held hearings, beginning in 1972, and the Senate adopted a resolution in 1973 calling for an international agreement "prohibiting the use of any environmental or geophysical modification activity as a weapon of war...." In response to this resolution, the President ordered the Department of Defense to undertake an in-depth review of the military aspects of weather and other environmental modification techniques. The results of this study and a subsequent interagency study led to the U.S. Governments decision to seek agreement with the Soviet Union to explore the possibilities of an international agreement.
Dato che non esiste, hanno comunque pensato bene di andare a fare la figura dei pagliacci con i russi.
During the summit meeting in Moscow in July 1974, President Nixon and General Secretary Brezhnev formally agreed to hold bilateral discussions on how to bring about "the most effective measures possible to overcome the dangers of the use of environmental modification techniques for military purposes." Three sets of discussions were held in 1974 and 1975, resulting in agreement on a common approach and common language.
In August 1975, the chief representatives of the U.S. and the Soviet delegations to the Conference of the Committee on Disarmament (CCD) tabled, in parallel, identical draft texts of a "Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques."
The Convention defines environmental modification techniques as changing -- through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes -- the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydro-sphere, and atmosphere, or of outer space. Changes in weather or climate patterns, in ocean currents, or in the state of the ozone layer or ionosphere, or an upset in the ecological balance of a region are some of the effects which might result from the use of environmental modification techniques.
Cominciamo a prendere nota.
Intensive negotiations held in the CCD during the spring and summer of 1976 resulted in a modified text and, in addition, to understandings regarding four of the Treaty articles. These were transmitted to the U.N. General Assembly for consideration during the fall session.
La storia del weather control dev'essere proprio un gran segreto, se c'era il trattato appeso alle pareti dell'ONU.
Article I sets forth the basic commitment: "Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party." An understanding defines the terms "widespread, long-lasting or severe." "Widespread" is defined as "encompassing an area on the scale of several hundred square kilometers"; "long-lasting" is defined as "lasting for a period of months, or approximately a season"; and "severe" is defined as "involving serious or significant disruption or harm to human life, natural and economic resources or other assets."
With regard to peaceful uses of environmental modification techniques, the convention provides that the parties shall have the right to participate in the fullest possible exchange of scientific and technological information.
In addition to the provision for mutual consultation regarding complaints and for resource to the Security Council, the revised draft establishes the framework for a Consultative Committee of Experts, which would meet on an ad hoc basis when so requested by a party, in order to clarify the nature of activities suspected to be in violation of the convention. Responding to the suggestion of many delegations, the revised text incorporates a provision for periodic conferences to review the Conventions operation.
During the 1976 fall session, the U.N. General Assembly held extensive debate on the draft Convention, including several resolutions relating thereto. On December 10, the General Assembly adopted a resolution by a vote of 96 to 8, with 30 abstentions, which referred the Convention to all member nations for their consideration, signature, and ratification, and requested the U.N. Secretary-General to open the Convention for signature.
The U.N. Secretary-General officiated at the signing ceremony in Geneva on May 18. The United States joined 33 other nations in signing the Convention. The Convention entered into force on October 5, 1978, when the 20th state to sign the Convention deposited its instrument of ratification. President Carter transmitted the Convention to the Senate on September 22, 1978.
The Senate gave its advice and consent to ratification on November 28, 1979, by a vote of 98-0. The President ratified the Convention December 13, 1979. The Convention entered into force for the United States on January 17, 1980, when the U.S. instrument of ratification was deposited in New York.
Volendo fare i pidocchiosi, "having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party" non dice nulla su quello che può fare uno Stato sul proprio territorio.
Nel frattempo, dopo qualche anno a sbatterci la testa, hanno cominciato a capirci qualcosa in più.
Pilot Voices Potential Cause for Florida’s Hurricanes.
The unbridled use of wireless technology contributes to an unstable atmosphere and magnetosphere thereby generating weather anomalies. Nina says, “it is as if the earth is being tickled all over and is responding by twitching and convulsing, generating seismic activity and violent weather.”
(PRWEB) October 10, 2004 -- Human use of electromagnetism for power and communications has produced an abnormal electromagnetic environment unlike anything that has existed before. Commercial pilot, Nina Anderson says, “in my thirty-five years of flying I have never seen such a period of concentrated violent weather as we have had in the last decade.” She theorizes that since all electromagnetic fields are force fields, carrying energy and capable of producing an action at a distance, it is a logical conclusion that the unbridled use of wireless technology contributes to an unstable atmosphere and magnetosphere thereby generating weather anomalies. Nina says, “it is as if the earth is being tickled all over and is responding by twitching and convulsing, generating seismic activity and violent weather.”
Sei fuori di testa?
In her book, 2012 Airborne Prophesy, Nina takes us to the year 2011 where her theories are expounded upon in a fictional presentation. She projects that wireless technology compounds to create rogue frequencies where electromagnetic waves intersect. These new wavelengths contribute to the continued destruction of the ozone layer, increased electrical storms, instability of the earth’s crust generating more earthquakes and volcanoes, and more weather extremes.
Secondo me sei fuori di testa.
Extrapolating from her research gleaned to write her novel, Nina fears that the magnetosphere (magnetic field generated from the spinning core of molten iron beneath the earth’s surface and projected into the atmosphere) is being affected by “alien” pulses generated by mankind. Power line harmonic resonance (electrical transmission lines) has shown to cause fallout of charged particles from the radiation belts. These falling ions cause ice crystals, which precipitate rain clouds. In addition, current weather modification devices are targeting the atmosphere and ionosphere. From cloud-seeding experiments that began in the 1960s, to today’s high altitude projects that aim high frequency broadcast antennas (IRIs) capable of heating the unstable ionosphere and redirecting jet streams, we have entered into a global experiment that could threaten the planet’s existence.
In 2012 Airborne Prophesy, these IRIs are capable of affecting the weather on demand as well as interrupting aircraft onboard computers and global communications. Ionospheric heaters acting powerfully with charged particles trapped there create a mirror force pushing the charged atmosphere upward and outward. This acts as a lens-focusing device capable of heating specific parts of the earth thereby affecting regional weather. In the 2012 Airborne Prophesy the IRI’s actually become defense weapons whereby the density of air is altered at a specific GPS coordinate causing enemy aircraft to lose lift and fall from the sky. Because of their potential as star wars weapons, governments and special interest corporations via for control of these facilities, which manifest in quite a conspiracy tale that predicts a plausible future.
In pratica si è inventata una bella favola.
Florida and Japan’s 2004 hurricane season could be the tip of the iceberg. The planet’s inhabitants have been stirring up the near cosmos since the 1940s. Atomic bomb tests were conducted in space in the late 1950s, the first ionospheric heater experiments were held in the 1970s, new inventions that emit electromagnetic pulses have proliferated since the 1980s (microwaves, cell towers, cell phones, GPS, computers, etc.) adding to the near saturated radio frequency realm generated through television and radio waves.
Since 1958 the Defense Department has been studying ways to manipulate changes in the weather. In the United States, at least 29 states have licensed weather modification programs. Those experiments have shifted to using electromagnetic technology without regard for future consequences. Just like drugs that may interact negatively with other drugs and create new symptoms, electromagnetic energy may be causing the very reaction we did not expect — a negative reaction to the stability of the planetary weather. Nina Anderson warns, “the region of space surrounding planet Earth is no place for experiments and the unbridled use of wireless technology is irresponsible. Controversy already surrounds the telecommunications industry where human safety from cell towers and cell phones is an ongoing issue. Will we blunder into another technological marvel without researching the downside? If planet earth reacts negatively to this constant tickling, we may be facing another Noah’s Ark era or worse.”
Sei fuori di testa e te lo sei sognato.
Purtroppo chi ha registrato questo bel brevetto (1987) è ancora più fuori di testa.
United States Patent 4,686,605
A method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region which normally exists above the earth's surface. The region is excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby increase its charged particle density. In one embodiment, circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation is transmitted upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along a field line which extends through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which excites electron cyclotron resonance to heat and accelerate the charged particles. This increase in energy can cause ionization of neutral particles which are then absorbed as part of the region thereby increasing the charged particle density of the region.
Ancora a proposito di cose che svolazzano in giro allegramente quando non dovrebbero:
The following highlighted notice notice was posted on the weather website,, at 4:41PM, April 16, 2004 and was displayed with the weather forecast for the Santa Cruz, California area. It was also displayed with the forecast for the San Francisco and Monterey Bay areas. The notice was then removed from the website at approximately 6:30PM.
It doesn't get much more blatant than this. Here we are being directly informed that they are spraying "small particles" over populated areas along with a forecast for rain. Common sense says that the rain is going to bring a lot of those "small particles" down with it and we're going to be breathing it in. What goes up must come down, rain or no rain. There are many unknown health risks involved yet here we are being told that it is occurring as if it were just as natural of an occurance as the falling rain itself.
Guardate come si agita questo personaggio. Se avesse visto il resto si agiterebbe di più.
Neve o grandine che sia, ad un certo punto i militari si devono essere sentiti un po' imbecilli a stare li a guardare la festa. Nel lontano 1996 hanno preso un po' di gente e l'hanno messa a scrivere.
Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025
A Research Paper Presented To Air Force 2025
2025 is a study designed to comply with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government. This report contains fictional representations of future situations/scenarios. Any similarities to real people or events, other than those specifically cited, are unintentional and are for purposes of illustration only. This publication has been reviewed by security and policy review authorities, is unclassified, and is cleared for public release.
E' un modo gentile per dire che nulla di quello che c'è scritto sopra è vero, tuttavia rende l'idea di quello che passa per la testa di certi personaggi.
Col Tamzy J. House, Lt Col James B. Near, Jr., LTC William B. Shields (USA), Maj Ronald J. Celentano, Maj David M. Husband, Maj Ann E. Mercer, Maj James E. Pugh.
Tipica banda di allegri hippies.
Fonte: Maxwell-Gunter AFB, the Home of Air University and the 42nd Air Base Wing.
Why Would We Want to Mess with the Weather?
Perché siete una manica di pazzi furiosi?
According to Gen Gordon Sullivan, former Army chief of staff, "As we leap technology into the 21st century, we will be able to see the enemy day or night, in any weather- and go after him relentlessly." A global, precise, real-time, robust, systematic weather-modification capability would provide war-fighting CINCs with a powerful force multiplier to achieve military objectives. Since weather will be common to all possible futures, a weather-modification capability would be universally applicable and have utility across the entire spectrum of conflict. The capability of influencing the weather even on a small scale could change it from a force degrader to a force multiplier.
Cominciamo a prendere carta e penna e scrivere un po' di appunti.
People have always wanted to be able to do something about the weather. In the US, as early as 1839, newspaper archives tell of people with serious and creative ideas on how to make rain. In 1957, the president's advisory committee on weather control explicitly recognized the military potential of weather-modification, warning in their report that it could become a more important weapon than the atom bomb.
What Do We Mean by "Weather-modification"?
Che siete una banda di delinquenti?
Today, weather-modification is the alteration of weather phenomena over a limited area for a limited period of time.11 Within the next three decades, the concept of weather-modification could expand to include the ability to shape weather patterns by influencing their determining factors.
Achieving such a highly accurate and reasonably precise weather-modification capability in the next 30 years will require overcoming some challenging but not insurmountable technological and legal hurdles. Technologically, we must have a solid understanding of the variables that affect weather. We must be able to model the dynamics of their relationships, map the possible results of their interactions, measure their actual real-time values, and influence their values to achieve a desired outcome. Society will have to provide the resources and legal basis for a mature capability to develop. How could all of this happen? The following notional scenario postulates how weather-modification might become both technically feasible and socially desirable by 2025.
Between now and 2005, technological advances in meteorology and the demand for more precise weather information by global businesses will lead to the successful identification and parameterization of the major variables that affect weather. By 2015, advances in computational capability, modeling techniques, and atmospheric information tracking will produce a highly accurate and reliable weather prediction capability, validated against real-world weather. In the following decade, population densities put pressure on the worldwide availability and cost of food and usable water. Massive life and property losses associated with natural weather disasters become increasingly unacceptable.
Come sono carini.
These pressures prompt governments and/or other organizations who are able to capitalize on the technological advances of the previous 20 years to pursue a highly accurate and reasonably precise weather-modification capability. The increasing urgency to realize the benefits of this capability stimulates laws and treaties, and some unilateral actions, making the risks required to validate and refine it acceptable. By 2025, the world, or parts of it, are able to shape local weather patterns by influencing the factors that affect climate, precipitation, storms and their effects, fog, and near space. These highly accurate and reasonably precise civil applications of weather-modification technology have obvious military implications. This is particularly true for aerospace forces, for while weather may affect all mediums of operation, it operates in ours.
The term weather-modification may have negative connotations for many people, civilians and military members alike. It is thus important to define the scope to be considered in this paper so that potential critics or proponents of further research have a common basis for discussion. In the broadest sense, weather-modification can be divided into two major categories: suppression and intensification of weather patterns. In extreme cases, it might involve the creation of completely new weather patterns, attenuation or control of severe storms, or even alteration of global climate on a far-reaching and/or long-lasting scale.
Gli amici di Annan se lo sognano di notte un giocattolo del genere.
In the mildest and least controversial cases it may consist of inducing or suppressing precipitation, clouds, or fog for short times over a small-scale region.
E fin qui ci siamo.
Other low-intensity applications might include the alteration and/or use of near space as a medium to enhance communications, disrupt active or passive sensing, or other purposes.
HAARP per gli amici.
In conducting the research for this study, the broadest possible interpretation of weather-modification was initially embraced, so that the widest range of opportunities available for our military in 2025 were thoughtfully considered. However, for several reasons described below, this paper focuses primarily on localized and short-term forms of weather-modification and how these could be incorporated into war-fighting capability. The primary areas discussed include generation and dissipation of precipitation, clouds, and fog; modification of localized storm systems; and the use of the ionosphere and near space for space control and communications dominance. These applications are consistent with CJCSI 3810.01, "Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations."13
Quando parla di ionosphere ce l'ha sempre con HAARP.
Extreme and controversial examples of weather modification-creation of made-to-order weather, large-scale climate modification, creation and/or control (or "steering") of severe storms, etc.-were researched as part of this study but receive only brief mention here because, in the authors' judgment, the technical obstacles preventing their application appear insurmountable within 30 years. If this were not the case, such applications would have been included in this report as potential military options, despite their controversial and potentially malevolent nature and their inconsistency with standing UN agreements to which the US is a signatory.
E' un modo gentile per dire "chi, noi?"
On the other hand, the weather-modification applications proposed in this report range from technically proven to potentially feasible. They are similar, however, in that none are currently employed or envisioned for employment by our operational forces.
Se è technically proven per i signori in divisa, possiamo dire che per noialtri non esiste. Altrimenti lo avrebbe detto il giornale, no? Non so, la BBC, tanto per dirne una.
The Global Weather Network
Evidence of the evolving future weather modeling and prediction capability as well as the GWN can be seen in the national oceanic and atmospheric administration's (NOAA) 1995-2005 strategic plan. It includes program elements to "advance short-term warning and forecast services, implement seasonal to inter-annual climate forecasts, and predict and assess decadal to centennial change;" it does not, however, include plans for weather-modification modeling or modification technology development.
Quelli del NOAA sono gli accusati di negligenza criminale di cui sopra.
Concept of Operations
The essential ingredient of the weather-modification system is the set of intervention techniques used to modify the weather. The number of specific intervention methodologies is limited only by the imagination, but with few exceptions they involve infusing either energy or chemicals into the meteorological process in the right way, at the right place and time. The intervention could be designed to modify the weather in a number of ways, such as influencing clouds and precipitation, storm intensity, climate, space, or fog.
I chemicals si distinguono abbastanza facilmente dalle solite scie di condensazione, per il semplice fatto che restano lì dove sono per un bel pezzo, al contrario della scia che scompare dopo qualche secondo. Si potrebbe argomentare che se si vede la scia ma l'aereo è sparito da un pezzo, qualcosa non va.
Communications Dominance via Ionospheric Modification
Modification of the ionosphere to enhance or disrupt communications has recently become the subject of active research. According to Lewis M. Duncan, and Robert L. Showen, the Former Soviet Union (FSU) conducted theoretical and experimental research in this area at a level considerably greater than comparable programs in the West. There is a strong motivation for this research, because induced ionospheric modifications may influence, or even disrupt, the operation of radio systems relying on propagation through the modified region. The controlled generation or accelerated dissipation of ionospheric disturbances may be used to produce new propagation paths, otherwise unavailable, appropriate for selected RF missions.
C'è anche il disegno, tanto per cambiare.
Why Is the Ionosphere Important?
Although the ionosphere acts as a natural "mirror" for HF radio waves, it is in a constant state of flux, and thus, its "mirror property" can be limited at times. Like terrestrial weather, ionospheric properties change from year to year, from day to day, and even from hour to hour. This ionospheric variability, called space weather, can cause unreliability in ground- and space-based communications that depend on ionospheric reflection or transmission. Space weather variability affects how the ionosphere attenuates, absorbs, reflects, refracts, and changes the propagation, phase, and amplitude characteristics of radio waves.
Posto che l'allegra banda dice chiaramente di voler metter mano alla ionosfera, pare abbastanza evidente che non abbiano speso soldi in HAARP perché avanzavano dal budget. Se i personaggi dell'air force dicono chiaramente che influenzare la ionosfera corrisponde a weather control, ci si chiede se tutti quelli che dicono "non è vero" siano leggermente confusi.
Weather Modification
Weather modification technology is in use today by both the United States and the Soviet Union. Both the U.S. and Soviet projects involve the manipulation of the ionosphere and the alteration of the earth’s magnetic fields. This technology seems to have both localized and global capabilities. Evidence indicates that this technology also has the capability of manipulating human behavior and mood patterns.
Altra allegra storia di cui prendere nota.
As far-fetched as this subject may seem, leaders in the elite global establishment have intimated the existence of this technology and its capabilities. In 1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski published a book titled Between Two Ages. Brzezinski is one of the founding directors of the Trilateral Commission. In this book he said, "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."
Non sono carini, tutti insieme?
Further confirmation of the Western power elite’s interest in weather modification was revealed in an article which appeared in the September 12, 1989 edition of the Washington Post. This article reported on the 1989 Tokyo conference on global environment.
Non sentite puzza di...
The president of the World Bank, Barber Conable, who is also a Trilateral Commission member, gave a speech in which he outlined the long-range goals of the one world elite. In this speech he said, "while higher temperatures may cause ‘a number of natural disasters,’ they might also warm cold and unproductive lands in the north into productivity."
Metti giù la pipa del crack!
There is very good evidence that the one world group and the Soviets have been jointly involved in weather modification over the Northern Hemisphere since the early 1970s. In 1971 it was alleged that the U.S. and the Soviets started cooperating in secret weather modification projects. One such project was named POLEX, Polar Experiment of the Global Atmospheric Research Program, and another in 1973 was called AIDJEX, the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment. It is purported that these experiments involved attempts to melt the polar ice cap.
E chi potrebbe mai avere interesse a fare una cosa del genere, visto che c'è già la minaccia del global warming? (*ding!*)
Other U.S. projects such as Nile Blue and Climate Dynamics involved the changing of the arctic ice pack. There was even an article in the December 16, 1980, edition of the New York Times discussing a joint U.S.-Soviet project involving the transmission of ELF waves from Antarctica designed "to interfere with the earth’s magnetic field."
Poi venite a lamentarvi che il clima non vi piace, così vi ridiamo in faccia. Prendere nota di Antarctica.
The Soviet weather modification project is referred to as the Woodpecker system. It involves the transmissions of extreme low frequency (ELF) waves at about 10 hertz using Tesla transmitters in Angarsk and Khabarovsk in Siberia, Gomel, Sakhalin Island, Nikolayev in the Ukraine, Riga in Latvia and also a site 60 miles south of Havana in Cuba. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this system, the facility near Havana, Cuba, is said to be maintained and operated by a staff of 2,500 Soviet personnel. These transmitters generate electromagnetic transmissions that produce an ELF scalar grid over the United States. This is done by transmitting these low frequency scalar waves in pairs so that they converge at a predetermined point on the earth’s surface and cause a disruption of the atmosphere. This technology can be used to alter the course of the jet stream and set up long- term weather blocks.
A system somewhat similar to the Soviet Woodpecker has been set up in the United States called the Ground Wave Emergency Network, or GWEN. This network was built under the guise, or possible dual use, of an emergency communication system that would not be interrupted by electromagnetic pulse during a nuclear war.
Se è per la sicurezza, ne compro due!
GWEN units are capable of altering the magnetic field within a 200- to 250-mile radius. The individual units themselves are made up of 300-foot tall towers which transmit radio waves through hundreds of bare copper wires which are each 300 feet in length. These wires are buried in the ground in a spoke pattern radiating out from the base of the tower. The wires interact with the earth like a thin-shelled conductor, radiating the radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground.
Vi ricorda qualcosa?
These units are located in Texas, Nevada, Maine, North Carolina, Maryland, Georgia, Oregon, Washington, California, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, New York, Alabama, Virginia, Kansas, Nebraska, New Jersey, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Oklahoma, Colorado and Montana. There is fairly significant evidence to suggest that these GWEN units in combination with the Soviet Woodpecker transmissions made a significant contribution to creating the extensive flooding in the Midwest in 1993.
A me ricorda qualcosa.
It is interesting to note that the Russians are now openly marketing a small version of their weather engineering system called Elate, which can fine tune weather patterns over a 200-mile area. These units seem to have the same range as the individual GWEN unit. One of these Elate units operates at Moscow’s Bykovo Airport.
L'avventura continua.
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