Vediamo se c'è ancora qualcuno che ammazza solo per soldi, anziché per l'ambiente?
Foreknowledge of A Natural Disaster
Washington was aware that a deadly Tidal Wave was building up in the Indian Ocean
The US Military and the State Department were given advanced warning. America's Navy base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean was notified. Why were fishermen
in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand not provided with the same warnings as
the US Navy and the US State Department? Why did the US State
Department remain mum on the existence of an impending catastrophe? With
a modern communications system, why did the information not get out? By
email, telephone, fax, satellite TV...? It could have saved the lives
of thousands of people. The earthquake was a Magnitude 9.0 on the Richter scale, among the highest in recorded history. US authorities had initially recorded 8.0 on the Richter scale.
As confirmed by several reports, US scientists in Hawaii, had advanced
knowledge regarding an impending catastrophe, but failed to contact
their Asian counterparts.
Sotto con la scala Richter:
The Richter Scale
The magnitude of an earthquake is a measure
of the amount of energy released. Each earthquake has a unique
magnitude assigned to it. This is based on the amplitude of seismic
waves measured at a number of seismograph sites, after being corrected
for distance from the earthquake. Magnitude estimates often change by up
to 0.2 units, as additional data are included in the estimate.
Come ha fatto a passare da 8 a 9? Hanno sbagliato a leggere il sismografo?
To be Prepared is Half the Victory (articolo non più presente sul sito linkato originale)
question I am most often asked is "If what you're saying is true, it's
obvious that I need to do something to protect myself and my family, but
I don't know where to start. Can you help?" Sadly most people are
woefully unprepared for the inevitable terrorist attacks, natural
disasters, and other disruptions that are planned for our daily lives.
Our government tells us VIRTUALLY NOTHING about what we can do to
protect ourselves. (And make no mistake about it, there's plenty we can
do.) We don't have to be sitting ducks! As JFK once said, "The time to
repair the roof is when the sun is shining." So, as the storm clouds
start brewing all around us, let's make sure the roof is in order,
before it's too late.
you've a mind to, now would be an excellent time to move your family to
an area likely to be among the safer in the country, regardless of what
may happen. That will not include any city of any serious size. Nor
should it include areas within 100 miles of any coast (can you say, "nuke-induced Tsunami?"). The more paranoid will want to stay at least 400 miles away from Yellowstone Park.
Tsunami conspiracy theorists come out (articolo non più presente sul sito linkato originale)
JUST 11 days after Asia's tsunami disaster, conspiracy theorists are
out in force, accusing governments of a cover-up, blaming the military
for testing top-secret eco-weapons or aliens trying to correct the
Earth's "wobbly" rotation. In bars and Internet chat rooms around the
world questions are being asked, with knowing nods and winks, about who
caused the undersea earthquake off Sumatra on December 26, and why
governments did not act in the minutes and hours before tsunamis slammed
into their shores, killing almost 150,000.
a lot more to this. Why is the US sending a warship? Why is a senior
commander who was in Iraq going there?" whispered designer Mark Tyler,
drinking a pint of beer at a bar in Hong Kong's Wan Chai district. "This
happened exactly a year after Bam," said Tyler, referring to the
earthquake in Iran which killed 30,000 on December 26 last year. "Is
that a coincidence? And there was no previous seismic activity recorded
in Sumatra before the quake, which is very strange," he said, nodding
After every
globally shocking event – from the bombing of Pearl Harbour to the
assassination of John F Kennedy, the death of Princess Diana and the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States – conspiracy theorists emerge with their own sinister take on events.
Ma dai?
time the Indian and US military are in the frame, while the governments
of countries from Australia to Thailand stand accused of deliberately
failing to act on warnings of the impending earthquake or the tsunamis
it unleashed around Asia. Among the more common suggestions is that
eco-weapons, which can trigger earthquakes and volcanoes remotely
through the use of electromagnetic waves, were being tested. More
outlandish theories include one that aliens caused the earthquake to try
and correct the "wobbly rotation of the Earth". Scientists give such theories short shrift.
Infatti si limitano a pubblicare paper in giro per il mondo e registrare brevetti?
was a natural disaster," said Dr Bart Bautisda, chief science research
specialist at Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology,
debunking the idea that an "eco-weapon" could be used to cause an
earthquake or such large-scale tsunamis. "You would need a very huge amount of energy. It's impossible. A billion tonnes could not do it," Dr Bautisda said.
Certo, peccato che "The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of the environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy." Quale parte di instabilities non hai capito?
said wave activity might be able to be triggered very close to the
scene of a giant explosion, but the effect would be a tiny fraction of
the tsunamis which travelled thousands of kilometres at the speed of a
jet after tectonic plates shifted off Sumatra. "It's possible to cause
vibration, but not sufficient to cause disruption," he said. "We can tell the difference between an artificial explosion and an earthquake. The mechanisms are different."
Allora dopo andiamo a vedere le differenze.
Scientific evidence, however, cuts little ice with many conspiracy theorists.
The Internet – which has proved invaluable in dealing with the disaster
by aiding rescues, providing witness accounts from bloggers and
allowing grieving relatives to comfort each other through chat rooms –
is abuzz with more sinister explanations. The Free Internet Press, which
claims to offer "uncensored news for real people", has an article
saying the US military and the US State Department received advanced
warning of the tsunami, but did little to warn Asian countries.
A dirla tutta, è quello che dice la maggior parte dei quotidiani.
Navy base on the Indian Ocean jungle atoll of Diego Garcia was notified
and escaped unscathed, it said, asking "why were fishermen in India,
Sri Lanka and Thailand not provided with the same warnings?". "Why did
the US State Department remain mum on the existence of an impending
catastrophe?," author Michel Chossudovsky pondered. "Probably because fishermen in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand don't have multimillion dollar communications equipment handy," one respondent said as readers posted angry replies.
Non è ovvio?
Xymphora - Friday, January 07, 2005
Ah, but of course they do. Fishermen have cell phones, which gives them access to multimillion dollar communications networks.
The cellphone penetration throughout the whole area of the disaster was
such that if SMS messaging had been used to give a warning, tens of
thousands of lives might have been spared. The U. S. had enough time to
notify its naval base on Diego Garcia. Why did it not make even the
slightest attempt to notify anyone else? Even a partly successful attempt would have saved many lives, particularly in coastal cities and resorts.
Non è altrettanto ovvio?
The advantages of the tsunami to the United States:
1. it further weakens the 'Asian tigers', countries whose success was an embarrassment to the American rapacious model of world development;
2. it provides lots of opportunities for friends of the Bush Administration to enrich themselves in lucrative 'emergency' supply contracts for the rescue mission;
3. it gives American ships an excuse to be in places they would not otherwise have an excuse to be, and plenty of opportunity to unload whatever cargo they might later find useful around the Indian Ocean; and
4. it provides the chance for an ostentatious show of American goodwill which can be used in the propaganda campaign to restore the image of the United States in the world.
Subito arriva Powell a fare il suo show...
Powell declares tsunami aid part of global war on terror
of US aid and the participation of the American military in relief
efforts, Powell declared: “It dries up those pools of dissatisfaction
that might give rise to terrorist activity. That supports not only our
national security interest but the national security interests of the
countries involved.” Noting that the majority of the victims of the
tsunami were Muslims, the US Secretary of State continued: “We’d be
doing it regardless of religion, but I
think it does give the Muslim world and the rest of the world an
opportunity to see American generosity, American values in action.”
Qualcuno fa due conti:
Tsunami: spunta l'ipotesi di "cause artificiali"
06 Gennaio 2005 – Spunta l’ipotesi dello tsunami come effetto di una
causa umana. Un esperimento atomico? Un’arma segreta? Sembra che in quei
giorni nella zona di oceano nel quale si è scatenato il maremoto
assassino fossero in corso manovre navali segrete dell’India. L’India è un Paese atomico.
C’è chi parla di una connessione, lontana nello spazio e nel tempo ma
vicina dal punto di vista della delicata geologia delle faglie, con gli
esperimenti nucleari francesi di Mururoa. Chi sospetta del sistema
d’arma Haarp. Alcuni parlano di un incidente, di conseguenze inattese,
di un giocattolo sfuggito dalle mani di chi lo maneggiava. Per avere un
quadro completo proviamo a analizzare scientificamente le certezze che
conosciamo e le ipotesi che stanno affiorando in queste ore.
professor Whiteford ha compiuto inquietanti scoperte a proposito dei
cosiddetti "terremoti assassini" (killer quakes), cioè sismi che
provocano almeno 1.000 vittime. "Nel corso di 37 anni di sperimentazione
nucleare, venti dei trentadue terremoti assassini, ovvero il 62,5%,
avvennero lo stesso giorno o entro quattro giorni dal test".
U.S. Seventh Fleet First to Provide Naval Support to Aceh Province
YOKOSUKA, Japan (NNS) -- The USS Abraham Lincoln
(CVN 72) Carrier Strike Group (CSG) began providing logistical support
Jan. 1 to disaster victims in the Indonesian province of Aceh for the
first time since earthquakes and tsunamis ravaged Southern Asia Dec. 26.
A U.S. 7th Fleet spokesman said the Navy is determined to alleviate the
humanitarian catastrophe resulting from the recent natural disaster,
and that forward deployed units of the U.S. 7th Fleet train for
humanitarian assistance missions to rapidly respond to support relief
Ma è la stessa del Cyclone Zoe!
ExxonMobil, Aceh and the Tsunami
ExxonMobil has contributed $5 million to the Tsunami relief efforts. In Aceh, the company operates one of the largest gas fields in the world and they're being sued for gross human rights violations.
speak with a lawyer who has just returned from Indonesia where he was
interviewing witnesses against ExxonMobil from Aceh. [includes rush
transcript] Today, as the United Nations puts the confirmed death toll
from the Asian Tsunami at more than 150,000, we are going to continue
our special coverage of the devestation in the hardest hit area, the
Aceh region of Indonesia where the death toll is expected soon to rise
above 100,000. In a few moments we are going to be joined by two
Acehnese activists who were out in front of the Indonesian Mission to
the UN protesting yesterday against the Indonesian military regime. But
first, we turn to a story that has gotten almost no attention and that
is the story of the oil giant Exxon-Mobil, a corporation that has a
massive investment in Aceh. According to some estimates, ExxonMobil has extracted some $40 billion from its operations in Aceh, Indonesia.
Sono quelli che volevano "comprare" la Yukos?
Foreknowledge and Selective Warnings. Similar to 9-11, the automatic
warning system STANDS DOWN to allow a terrorist act occur,
hypothetically using the HAARP technology, to justify upcoming militarization of the area with US troops in an area rich with oil.
Whether HAARP or otherwise, the associated issue would be the standdown
of the automatic earthquake warning system among its subscribing member
POLITIAL GAIN, and then invaded oil rich Aceh with over 2000 U.S.
Marines and two aircraft carriers with armed helicopters.
one tells the member countries about the "earthquake". However, the US
DOES WARN its military base in the aera. And from this military base,
part of the invasion of Aceh is proceeding with TWO AIRCRAFT CARRIERS
and led by the U.S.'s pre-emptive invasion of Iraq leadership. "In a
bitter irony, part of this operation is being coordinated out of
America's Naval base in Diego Garcia. The US warns its naval base,
though fails to warn Indian Ocean rim governments. "...the strike group,
with its seven ships, 2,100 Marines and 1,400 sailors aboard, also has
four Cobra helicopters..."
Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami?
New York? Non Washington?
are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter
the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use
of electromagnetic waves." American Secretary of Defense William S.
Cohen, April 1997. Big surprise! Presumably Cohen already knew that a nuclear weapon generates what he refers to obliquely as "electromagnetic waves".
having a huge number of tsunami victims in its own State of Tamil Nadu,
India completely converted the survey ship INS Nirupak into a 50-bed
floating hospital in less than 72 hours, then sent it unarmed to help
the desperate people of Aceh in Indonesia. By direct comparison, America
sent combat ships and armed Marines. The US Navy has two 1,000 bed
hospital ships, the 'Comfort' and the 'Mercy', but neither one was
dispatched. Though the USNS Comfort was deployed to New York when 3,000
Americans died in September 2001, this current lack of action sends a
strong signal that 150,000 (mostly Muslim) dead in South East Asia, and
half a million injured, are of no concern whatever to the power brokers
in New York.
The Indian Government knew full well that this was not a "normal" earthquake. On 27 December India
refused to join George Bush's planned exclusive 'club of four', which
would have effectively pulled this Asian nuclear power out of its new
coalition with Russia, China and Brazil. On 28 December the
Indian Government politely warned the American military to stay clear of
Indian sovereign territory, and on 29 December the India Daily
Editorial publicly questioned the nature of the event: "Was this a
showdown by a country to show the region what havoc can be created?" ...
"Given the level of devastation and given the fact India is a regional
power in South Asia, [the] Indian Navy has an obligation to investigate
and tell the world what they found."
the American 9 megaton W-53 thermonuclear warhead shown on the left,
could easily be encased in a small 'lookalike' saturation diving chamber
similar to that on the right, to protect it from the massive 10,000
pounds per square inch pressures at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench.
The whole armored package would weigh less than five tons, allowing it
to be slipped over the stern of any oil rig supply vessel, of which
there are more than 300 in Asia alone. Who would even notice?
a natural human tendency to be shocked into silence by the sheer number
of dead and injured across Asia on 26 December 2004, and despite also
being slightly fearful of losing personal credibility because of the
magnitude of the apparent crime, there are many provable irregularities
in the official American tsunami story that simply have to be recorded
now, or forever be lost in the sands of time.
is beyond any doubt that a giant tidal wave (tsunami) smashed its way
through South and South East Asia, and still had enough legs to continue
all the way across the Indian Ocean to Africa, where it killed and
injured a few hundred more. So the only question we must ask, is whether
this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe? A natural event
would be horrifying enough, but if the tsunami was man-made, then we are
unquestionably looking at the biggest single war crime in global history.
make any sense at all of the irregularities, we must start at the very
beginning, and then follow the course of events as they unfold,
especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real tsunami
epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the location being
remorselessly peddled by the New York Times and CNN.
Per la serie "We can tell the difference between an artificial explosion and an earthquake. The mechanisms are different..."
midday local Australian time I faithfully recorded the magnitude and
position plotted by the Jakarta Geophysical Office in Indonesia. An
earthquake measuring 6.4
on the Richter scale had hit the north of the Indonesian island of
Sumatra. The Jakarta Geophysical Office meticulously noted that the
epicenter of the event was located 155 miles south-southwest of Aceh
This location is approximately 250 miles south of the position later selected by the American NOAA,
which plotted the epicenter to the north-west of Aceh, and initially
claimed a Richter reading of 8.0. Alas, even that was not enough to
cover the damage caused by this extraordinary event, so NOAA progressively upgraded the reading to 8.5, then to 8.9, and finally to 9.0 - at least for the present.
So, the first proven irregularities were peddled by American officials at the NOAA, who suddenly invented a new 'flexible' peak seismic wave
for the event, of far greater magnitude than Jakarta, when the Jakarta
office was located much closer at almost point-blank range. Believe me
when I tell you there is no such thing as the new 'flexible' peak
claimed by NOAA. The first seismic peak you record is the only real peak,
unless of course you later manually draw in a few more peaks of your
own, to match a contrived agenda. Naturally there is also only one
epicenter, which was faithfully recorded by dozens of Indonesian and Indian seismographs.
In Indonesia cominciano ad averne le tasche piene.
Quite apart from the huge disparity in Richter values, the Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal earthquake 'preamble' was missing
from their seismograph charts. All this means is that the normal
steadily increasing number of transverse shear "S" waves that always
precede an earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which
likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave
generated earthquake. There were 'warnings' of aftershocks from the
NOAA, but none actually eventuated.
simplify matters for non-technical readers, an earthquake is always
triggered by a resonant electromagnetic frequency in the range 0.5 to 12
Hertz, but it is not an instant process, because the resonant frequency
must be precise. Thus as true resonance approaches, the fault line
starts to tremble like a piece of rope under tension, and sends out
warnings to the seismographs in the form of steadily increasing
transverse shear waves.
If all you get is a cluster of "P" compression waves, then you are almost certainly looking at an underground or sub sea explosion. These were in fact the only copious seismic signals that the Indonesians and Indians received, and they looked curiously similar to those generated many years ago by large underground nuclear weapons in Nevada.
will return later to the relatively simple task of delivering a
multi-megaton thermonuclear weapon to the bottom of the Sumatran Trench,
and then detonating it with awesome effect, but right now we need to
return to our initial task of following the trail of events and
inexplicable irregularities. First we must travel south to the distant
desert island of Australia, currently ruled by an obsequious Wall Street
toady known as Little Johnny Howard. To the intense displeasure of many
of his Australian "subjects", Little Johnny never makes a move outside
Australia unless he first receives explicit instructions from one of his
New York minders. Remember this reality, because it is extremely
important in terms of what Australia did next.
the morning of 27 December, the Australian (New York owned) media was
making it very clear that the most badly hit nation in the region was Sri Lanka,
an island at the southern tip of India, which like Australia is a
member nation of the British Commonwealth. Accordingly, Tim Costello,
head of one of Australia's largest charities, made immediate plans to
fly to the area and assess the need for aid. But that same morning,
Little Johnny was dancing to a very different tune, which, based on his
known subservience, must have been playing down his secure telephone
line from Wall Street.
In true covert manner, Little Johnny secretly dispatched two RAAF Hercules transport planes packed with supplies to Malaysia on "Stand By", and directed two more to Darwin in Australia's north. Please note that if Little Johnny had any humanitarian concerns at all, all four Hercules could have flown directly to Commonwealth partner Sri Lanka,
where every other Australian had already been told by the media that
aid was needed. But no, it wasn't to be, and Little Johnny waited
patiently for orders from New York.
The waiting period was short, and after a high-flying reconnaissance jet confirmed that the runway was clear at Medan in eastern Sumatra,
all four Australian Hercules complete with troops, guns and other
tackle, invaded Sumatra just south of the devastated province of Aceh.
In turn, with 90% of its population killed by the tsunami, Aceh might
perhaps one day soon become Indonesia's very own Guantanamo Bay,
crawling with hundreds of heavily armed Australians and Americans.
Remember carefully though, at the time these four Hercules touched down in Medan, the ordinary Australian public still had no idea that Sumatra was badly hit. Only Little Johnny knew, and of course his trusty crystal ball in New York. To hell with Sri Lanka, his bosses wanted a main base for the huge reconstruction contracts in Asia,
designed to replace the failed oil theft and reconstruction in Iraq,
and keep poor old Zion on its tottering New York legs for a few more
weeks or months.
In the
end, what the hell did it matter how many Goyim had to die? And, hey, on
the credit side they'd already managed to kill more than 100,00 Muslims
in Sumatra with a single tidal wave, which was partial payback for
their own resounding defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Needless to say the Australians were merely the advance party, soon to be joined by a curiously well prepared and equipped U.S. Military,
though it is doubtful that any of the officers and men involved really
comprehend what is going on. Only a handful thought to question why they had been spending a whole year training for a "Humanitarian Mission",
when the whole point of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps is normally to
kill people in very large numbers. Just look at Fallujah, people, look
at Fallujah.
Forse si erano pentiti?
As if by magic, the Pentagon managed to have two battle groups ready to sail at an instant's notice
from Hong Kong and Guam during the normally chaotic Christmas to New
Year period. Crikey! Military discipline has come a hell of a long way
since my day, when everyone including the ship's cat was sleeping it off
at some highly questionably hostelry or another. Not these 10,000+
Americans though, who must have been standing rigidly to attention
beside their hammocks day and night, tugging furiously at their
forelocks whenever an officer of NCO came in sight.
next bit was superbly orchestrated, because it took place at sea, far
away from the prying eyes of dock spies or imaginary KGB agents. But
oops, first you have to know who was involved. Out of Hong Kong rushed
team one, comprised of the nuclear-powered USS Abraham Lincoln and her escort vessels, while the far more interesting team two rushed out of Guam, led by the USS Bonhomme Richard,
a marine amphibious assault carrier crammed to the gunwales with
gun-toting wooden tops. And that is not all, believe me, because the
Bonhomme Richard is in fact leading a veritable armada known as "Expeditionary Strike Group 5".
Flagship USS Bonhomme Richard is accompanied by the U.S.S. Duluth, an amphibious transport dock vessel; the USS Rushmore, a landing ship dock; the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill, guided missile destroyer USS Milius, and the guided missile frigate USS Thach. To take care of the underwater side of things they are joined by the nuclear hunter-killer submarine USS Pasadena,
while the U.S. Coast Guard's high-endurance cutter Munro is also
tagging along, presumably to deal with Asian Customs and Excise.
Now then, though 'Strike Group 5' may be toting enough nuclear weapons
to destroy half of the known world, and the title is perhaps lacking
when viewed from a strictly humanitarian perspective, engineer chief
Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez says otherwise: "The Marine Service
Support Group has been preparing for a humanitarian mission
of this type for about 12 months now, and is more prepared for an
actual mission". Well, OK chief, but didn't you ask why you were being
trained for a mysterious humanitarian mission a year before it actually happened, especially when your day job is normally shooting Muslims full of holes?
Ottima domanda!
really sneaky (inexplicable) bit came as both battle groups entered the
Indian Ocean. The USS Abraham Lincoln looked about as innocent as a
carrier with 70 attack planes can look, but was already carrying 2,000 marines instead of her normal complement of around 500.
That is a huge amount of grunt firepower to put on the deserted streets
of Banda Aceh, especially when Wall Street normally expects these
marines to die quietly for Zion in Iraq. Now then, how did they know the
extra marines would be needed before team one left Hong Kong, because the surplus 1,500 marines were certainly not just standing around on Kowloon dock waiting to hitch a ride.
while the two battle groups (apparently) headed in two different
directions across the deserted Indian Ocean, an even stranger event took
place. Though Expeditionary Strike Group 5 (Humanitarian) was supposed
to help the folks in Sri Lanka, the combat marines aboard the USS
Bonhomme Richard transferred to amphibious transport dock vessel U.S.S. Duluth,
which then split from ESG-5 and headed towards team one. So without the
Indonesians really being aware of it, the (relatively) harmless and
Bulky aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has been used to screen the
arrival of at least 3,500 heavily-armed US Marines in tiny Aceh Province.
That more or less brings us up to date on known military activity, though yesterday an Australian television cameraman did accidentally film some of these heavily-armed US Marines
(who tried to shoo him away), searching a devastated Indonesian
military base for any remaining weapons. Now call me old-fashioned, but
if these guys and their bosses are straight, that particular job should
be left to the Indonesian Army.
Non è ovvio?
will be circumspect as to exactly how a large American thermonuclear
weapon managed to arrive at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench, though
all of the seismic evidence and preparedness for the resulting mission
indicates strongly that this is the case. After all, we are back to the
age-old question of "who benefits?", and in this particular case, "Who
is insane enough to kill more than 150,000 civilians just to hang on to
power?' Based on their past performance in Iraq and other luckless
countries, it would seem that the only realistic candidates are
Wolfowitz and company, striving as always to create a "One World Government".
no other nuclear powers including Russia and China stand to gain
anything at all from such an outrageous mass murder, so, as always in
the end, we come back to Sherlock Holmes via the pen of Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle: "When you have ruled out the impossible, whatever remains, no
matter how improbable, is the truth."
the Zionist Cabal, obtaining a thermonuclear weapon in America is no
great trick, especially when we have the precedent of 100 small
'decommissioned' air-to-air atomic warheads being smuggled out the
Pentagon's (civilian) back door, to form the core of the Jewish State's
current nuclear arsenal. Once a weapon system is out date and out of
service, loyal uniformed US military personnel can no longer track it.
Those who wish to understand how such a seemingly small weapon could rattle a 20,000 feet-deep oceanic trench,
and then force a giant tsunami right across the Indian Ocean, would do
well to look at the diagram of the famous 'Dambusters' attacking the
German dam below, most of which is self-explanatory.
designer of the RAF's bouncing bomb (actually called "Highball") was a
scientist called Barnes Wallace, who had already gained a formidable
reputation with his Wellington bomber, which he constructed
geodetically, thus enabling it to absorb enormous punishment before
actually being shot out of the sky. Many Wellington returned to base
literally in tatters, while many luckless cousins like the Stirling and
Halifax were all too often consigned to the murky deep of the North Sea.
knew that bombing the dams vertically was a complete waste of time, and
the only possibility of success lay in placing a mine hard up against
the dam wall at its base. You see, water cannot be compressed, meaning that if the mine was pressed against the dam wall at the moment of detonation, part of its energy would automatically be expended on the wall itself.
Too far away in the relatively shallow water, and most of the blast
energy would be lost to atmosphere, in a huge exploding cloud of water
of course.
Though it was
obvious that the dam wall could not be destroyed by a single bomb from a
single Lancaster bomber (it would weight far too much for the aircraft
to get off the ground), Wallace pinned his hopes on the scientific fact
that cumulative stress should do the job, and he was proved right.
Though officially three of the bombs, each containing 6,500 pounds of
TNT, were considered to be direct hits, one of these veered off
slightly, meaning that the giant Mohne Dam was completely breached by a
total of 13,000 pounds of tri-nitro toluene.
It is the incompressibility of water in particular that matters deep down in the Sumatran Trench. At the bottom you already have 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch
pressing down on your weapon of choice, and above that weapon there is a
column of water 20,000 feet tall, which is what caused the pressure in
the first place. Not only that. The trench narrows at the bottom,
meaning that the weapon is 'hemmed-in', with a very real chance of
moving a tectonic plate if sufficient tonnage is used.
this particular case there was no real need to shift a tectonic plate,
and science suggests that if this blast had caused such an effect,
several very powerful aftershocks would have occurred, as has happened
with every other major earthquake in the past. But, as previously
stated, and setting aside the seemingly deliberate provocative though
false warnings from the American NOAA, there has not been a single
aftershock which can be directly & scientifically linked to the
'event' in the Sumatran Trench at 0758 hours local on 26 December 2004.
Later tremors might or might not be connected to the weapon.
force subservience on Asia, and ensure the lion's share of incredibly
lucrative reconstruction contracts, all that was needed was a very large
tsunami targeted on the selected nations, which was easily within the
capabilities of a large thermonuke. There is nothing new about "Sea
Bursts" as they are called, and more than 30 years ago plans existed in
both America and Russia to wipe out each other's coastal cities using
exactly this technique. The tidal wave from a deep sea burst is
relatively clean, allowing the aggressor to take over both land and
remaining buildings etc. with the minimum of delay.
If everything had gone to plan, then Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India would have been in hock to the IMF and World Bank for thirty or more years
- time enough to wait for the price of oil to come down again after the
lethal fiasco in Iraq. At the same time, if the Indian Government had
taken the bait, the deadly Russian-Chinese-Indian-Brazilian coalition would have been dead in the water. Not a bad day's work for a single thermonuclear weapon discreetly removed from the decommissioning process.
are those who may claim that I have 'left out' the giant ExxonMobil gas
fields in Aceh, but that is not the case. Certainly they are very
productive sub-surface fields, and will unquestionably produce lots of
gas again once the surface equipment has been repaired, but in isolation
they are completely incapable of saving the New Zion from collapse.
Wall Street needs giant reconstruction contracts, and plenty of them.
If I remember correctly, shortly before Christmas I received a large number of emails from various people about some "German Guy", who apparently claimed that Wolfowitz had got hold of a critical weapon and was going to nuke Houston on either the 26 or 27 of December.
I never did read the whole email, but it seems very likely that it was
initially circulated by Wolfowitz or one of his ilk, as a classic
disinformation distraction. Try something along the lines of "You
suckers all watch Houston very carefully on 26 December, while I nuke
Asia behind your backs"
Vi ricorda qualcosa?
India's nuclear reactor at Chennai in Tamil Nadu State, flanked on either side by state-of-the-art hyper performance Sukhoi SU 30
jets, which should have been vulnerably situated in the Nicobar Islands
front-line when the tsunami roared north from the Sumatran Trench.
India has a major air force base on the Island of Car Nicobar, which
guards the front line of Indian airspace in the Bay of Bengal. This base
was being upgraded as 'home' to 25 of the IAF's Russian Sukhoi SU 30
jets, every one of which is capable of firing both the Sunburn and Onyx Mach 2.0+ sea skimming anti-ship missiles.
Anche l'India fa parte del magico club del Mach 2!
Sukhoi squadrons were due to arrive in Car Nicobar on 14 December, but
had to be delayed because of construction work, which is extremely
ironic. Despite the tidal wave roaring over the island and breaking up
the runways, India still has its
incredibly valuable SU 30 hyper performance planes, now situated on the
mainland fully armed, and within striking range of both US Battle Fleets
currently in the Indian Ocean.
will have the fighters operating from the base within six months," a
determined Air Chief Marshal S Krishnaswamy said as he assessed the
damage caused to the [Car Nicobar] base. "In a year's time we will make
the base fully operational. The problem is of transporting each and
every construction material by ships and planes again to this place. The
material include even the concrete which we have to lay on the runway."
could also have been a major catastrophe at Chennai in Tamil Nadu,
India's southernmost state and home to its fast breeder nuclear reactor.
About another 0.2 on the Richter Scale, and the world (india in
Particular) would very likely have been facing a second Chernobyl - yet
another catastrophic 'spin-off' from the Sumatran Trench event.
Fortunately, as if by fate, the tidal wave damaged only the cooling water inlets, which play no part in the nuclear process.
Questo il TG non l'ha detto.
I post this update in the early hours of 6 January, Bloomberg has very
kindly just confirmed the transfer of power from Expeditionary Strike
Group 5 (humanitarian duties only), to the USS Abraham Lincoln battle
group off Aceh. Now not one but both massive assault landing carriers
are bound for poor old Indonesia and its 110,000,000 Muslim citizens...
USS Bonhomme Richard and USS Duluth today arrived in Sumatran waters
and airlifted more than 200,000 pounds (90,000 kilograms) from two
warehouses for distribution to areas unreachable by road, the U.S.
embassy in Jakarta said in an e- mailed statement. The ships carry 25
helicopters each and more than doubled the number of U.S. aircraft to
carry aid. "
L'India fa due conti:
It is time for Indian Navy to investigate! (articolo non più presente sul sito linkato originale)
this an earthquake creation experiment that ran out of control? Many
countries are working on methods of creating massive earthquakes as
means to defeat the enemy. The technologically advanced countries are
working on this project. If an earthquake and Tsunami can be created
artificially and directed to a specific enemy, it can literally create
havoc to the enemy. Weather control, controlling tectonic plate
movements, electromagnetic wave simulated weaponry are all on the table
of many countries. The planetary alignment can cause many earthquakes
all around the world of magnitude the modern mankind has never seen
Many all around the world are puzzled with the fact that Tsunamis never happen in South Asia. Also is perplexing is the fact that Tsunamis traveled 1000 miles at a speed of 500 miles an hour
and smashed the coastal lines of South and South east Asia where
Tsunamis do not happen. There are technologies on the research table
that is used to create electromagnetic effects to release the
gravitational effects which can cause this kind massive earth movements.
astonishing feature of this earthquake and Tsunami is the amount by
which the Kar Nicobar Islands have displaced. The level of devastation
simulates 10 or higher Richter scale earthquake. Was this a show down by a country to show the region what havoc can be created?
do not have the answers to this. We know many courtiers including India
are working on anti-gravity lifters and devices. No matter what, it can
be an experiment that went out of control. If it is not, that is the
best news. But given the level of devastation and given the fact India
is a regional power in South Asia, Indian Navy has the obligation to
investigate and tell the world what they found.
Casualmente l'India rifiuta gli aiuti...
India refuses aid (articolo non più presente sul sito linkato originale)
aid agencies in the capital, Port Blair, have expressed anger at the
rejection of their offers of help for the islands - many of which are
out of bounds to mainland Indians and foreigners due to security
concerns and a desire to protect endangered Stone Age tribes from
outsiders. With India pushing for a permanent seat on the UN Security
Council, New Delhi has been keen to show itself as a regional power
rather than a victim and has dispatched aid to Sri Lanka and other countries hit by the tsunamis.
Lieutenant-General B.S. Thakur, who heads aid operations in the
Andamans, said five naval ships and military aircraft were hopping
between islands where thousands of soldiers, doctors and administrators
were deployed in relief work. Paramilitary troopers, soldiers and border guards
also were brought in to scour dense mangroves for missing people, and
planes were evacuating survivors from ravaged islands to relief camps,
officials said. India's director-general of health services S.K. Agarwal
said there were no signs of any disease outbreaks, although sporadic
cases of diarrhoea and malaria were being reported. Teams of
psychiatrists were also being sent to the islands to help thousands of
traumatised survivors.
Nel frattempo, dall'altra parte del mondo...
Three storms threaten to strike U.S. at once
— Moisture-laden storms from the north, west and south are likely to
converge on much of America over the next several days in what could be a
once-in-a-generation onslaught, meteorologists forecast yesterday.
The converging storms are being steered by high-pressure ridges off Alaska and Florida and are part of a temporary change in world climate conditions,
O'Lenic said. Over equatorial Indonesia, east of where a tsunami hit
Dec. 26, meteorologists have identified a weather-making phenomenon
called the Madden-Julian Oscillation. It's producing extra-stormy
weather to its east. Similar oscillations in the north Atlantic and
north Pacific are changing global weather patterns. Add this year's mild El Niño — a warming of the equatorial Pacific — which is unusually far west, Redmond said.
(inserisci qui la musichetta "ai confini della realtà")
lettore attento osserverà che tutto ciò non esiste, perché se esistesse
ci sarebbe stato il titolone sul giornale. E per quale motivo tutta
questa gente dovrebbe perdere tempo facendosi la guerra con il meteo,
visto che comunque sanno chi ha lanciato il sasso dall'altra parte?
Perché se volano missili è guerra, se piove invece è una disgrazia e nessuno smette di comprare cellulari e installare suonerie.
Ultimissime dal mondo:
Council makes recycling compulsory
in a London borough are to become the first in the UK to face a £1,000
fine if they fail to recycle household waste. Barnet council has agreed
that a pilot scheme, which made household recycling compulsory, should
now be extended to cover all 113,000 households in the
Conservative-controlled borough. Residents will be expected to place
glass bottles, jars, tins, cans, paper and magazines in their free
household recycling boxes. Council recycling assistants will monitor
whether the boxes are being used appropriately. Residents who
persistently refuse to compulsorily recycle their household waste will
be issued with a notice under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The
notice will force them to comply with the clause which allows local
authorities to stipulate which containers residents should use for
disposing of household waste. Failure to obey the notice could lead to
prosecution with a maximum fine of £1,000.
One-child policy: activist gets more jailtime
- Chinese authorities have added three more months to the sentence of a
Shanghai woman serving one-and-a-half years in a labour camp
for her campaign to abolish China's family planning policies, a human
rights organisation said on Wednesday. Mao Hengfeng's original sentence
was handed down by the Shanghai Public Security Bureau in April 2003.
She was informed last month of the extension, according to a statement
from New York-based Human Rights in China. "The recent increase in Mao's
sentence appears to be another sign of retrenchment by the Beijing
government in regard to human rights issues," said Liu Qing, the group's
Mao has
been petitioning and protesting China's family planning policies for
about 15 years. Since her second pregnancy in the late 1980s, Mao has
been assigned to psychiatric wards, coerced into an abortion, and removed from her job.
Egyptian paper: Israel-India nuke test caused tsunami
Al-Osboa' does not rule out the possibility that the tsunami could have
been caused by a natural earthquake it speculates however that, "while
it has not been proved yet, there has been a joint Israeli-Indian secret
nuclear experiment [conducted on December 26] that caused the
E se facciamo finta che "The
purpose of the chemicals in the chemtrails is to help the viral
envelope fuse with lung cells, permitting easier penetration and
infection" sia vero, e che "This
is probably as close as we can get to the truth at present, and it does
make perfect scientific sense. Deadly radioactive particles inhaled by a
smoker would initially be trapped by the mucous layer, and then be
ejected from the body before they could enter the tissue" sia vero anch'esso, ecco risolto l'arcano del divieto antifumo globale...
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